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Posts Tagged ‘evicition in Spain’

New Express Eviction Law: Much Ado About Nothing

July 13th, 2009

lb-express-eviction-spain-tenants1Within the next months we are going to be bombarded with articles spinning the Government’s eagerly anticipated new Express Eviction Law (http://www NULL.senado NULL.html) which has yet to be pre-approved by the Senate (https://belegal before it is returned to the Congress of Deputies for its final enactment and publication in Spain’s Official Law Gazette.

This new law aims primarily to tackle cases of non-paying tenants which overstay in let properties, to the astonishment and despair of landlords.

But will it really help out? In short, no.

The proposed measures implemented by this law can be easily challenged or overcome by tenants. Besides the new measures will not shorten the eviction procedure significantly as sought as it hinges on the courts not being clogged, as they always happen to be. The shortcomings of the proposed measures are self evident.

The core of this proposal is the much vaunted 2 weeks waiting time, dubbed express eviction, as from the time there is a ruling evicting the tenant. But there’s a catch; the trick is that the said ruling can easily take 6 months on average dependent on the courts’ agility, so the tally would really be 6 months plus the 2 weeks. So yes, there is some reduction in the timescales involved to evict non-paying tenants, albeit not groundbreaking enough to open a champagne bottle as we are being led to believe. This half-baked attempt to redress matters will at best save only a couple of months. Landlords will still have to wait months to recover the possession of their let properties.

This is a classic example of passing new laws to satisfy the broad public (read electorate) at large which at the end of the day may only complicates matters further without really tackling pressing issues and even leaving the door ajar to potentially adding new problems. At best we can label it as a half-hearted attempt to address the situation.

At a time when many ex-pat landlords are already struggling with their mortgage loans (https://belegal, as they relied on the let’s income to offset it against the mortgage repayments, the last thing they needed was the aggravation of withstanding non-paying tenants (http://www NULL.marbella-lawyers This situation has lead many landlords to default on their mortgage loans which in turn have lead to a soar in repossession procedures. (http://www NULL.marbella-lawyers

A golden opportunity has been missed –again- by the legislator to address Spanish Tenancy laws that are heavily biased, for historical reasons, in favour of tenants. These laws need to be urgently and decisively adapted to modern social reality. When this is done, here’s wishful thinking, letting will become a serious alternative to purchasing properties allowing the Spanish rental market to pick up from the ground as in the rest of Europe.

In the meantime we will regrettably have to continue waiting until a law is passed that will boldly challenge this unfair situation once and for all allowing for express evictions instead of politically ill-conceived piecemeal attempts aimed to satisfy everyone.

Litigation, Property , , , , , ,

Paying the Rent Late Twice will be Cause of Eviction

June 4th, 2009

tenant agreementA mere delay in paying the let for a second time, by a non-paying tenant who has been previously sued by the landlord, will be a just cause for an eviction procedure. This new scenario has been made possible thanks to a recent rulling by the Spanish Supreme Court of Justice.

As explained in my article on Eviction Procedure in Spain (http://www NULL.marbella-lawyers, one of the strategies a non-paying tenant could follow to stall the procedure after the landlord had filed a law suit against him requesting a formal eviction, was by paying late (“enervación”). This stalled the procedure and forced the landlord to continue with the tenancy agreement. Albeit the tenant could employ this tactic only once.

The new change will mean that if the tenant should pay belatedly a second time (i.e. for two consecutive months), after the landlord has previously initiated an eviction procedure for the same reason, it will no longer mean the case can be dismissed or thrown out of court. It will mean the tenant breached the contract. Period. Spain’s Supreme Court has now unified the different approaches and regards that the tenant has breached the Tenancy agreement, provided the contract stipulates a deadline in which the payments have to be met every month.

This puts an end to non-paying tenants which continuously abused the legal system on deciding when they felt fit to pay their landlords in lieu of when they were meant to. This change has been brought about by one of the latest ruling of Spain’s Supreme Court. This is the second ruling on the same issue with a similar outcome which will now set jurisprudence in our legal system. The prior ruling (http://www NULL.elmundo NULL.html) is also from this year.

Both of these rulings aim to address the increasing problem landlords are faced with in Spain on letting their properties to professional defaulting tenants. Additionally, the dire financial circumstances have forced what used to be trustworthy tenants into defaulting their lets and abusing our system too. These rulings will now add new legal tools to defend landlords, as in Spain, the laws have been traditionally biased towards tenants for historical reasons which need to be adapted to social reality without delay.

Litigation, Property , , , , ,