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Thread: Legal Advice Counsel

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  1. #1

    Default Michelle

    Have received a few calls from First Legal Services, claiming that European coast @ sun holidays Designer way vacation club, Timelinx. Have been to court twice and another court case pending in the next 18months can anyone confirm if that is true or not.


  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Have received a few calls from First Legal Services, claiming that European coast @ sun holidays Designer way vacation club, Timelinx. Have been to court twice and another court case pending in the next 18months can anyone confirm if that is true or not.

    Dear Michelle,

    This thread is on "Legal Advice Counsel".

    You have a specific thread on "First Legal Services" over here:

    First Legal Services

    Let us not induce into confusion both companies.


  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    The self-defined “legal firm”, Legal Advice Counsel, has posted on their website a PDF document under the heading cyberlibel in reply to this thread belittling the law firmMarbella Lawyers”.

    Let us start by writing we are always reluctant to engage publicly people who we simply ignore whom they are. Regrettably their posting has forced us to intervene providing an adequate reply.

    Our website is a forum in which anyone interested in making a legal query on Spanish related matters is replied to freely. This website has provided free legal advice to thousands of people over the last ten years on a daily basis either online or via e-mails by registered lawyers such as myself. You can read further clicking on "about us".

    Having said this, this thread on Legal Advice Counsel was started off by T.M. This person has contacted us privately using Belegal’s PM facility. So we have their name, surname, e-mail address and telephone number at the disposal of Ms Stewart or Mrs Hamilton should they be interested.

    Regarding the “anonymous respondent” who replied to the query, they only have to browse one of the many threads or legal articles on this website to know who I am. I’ll sign this post to safe them the hassle.

    Moving on to their PDF “rebuttal”, it fails systematically to address each point raised on our reply to T.M. relating to their company. Moreover, every point on our post is factual which is why they’ve been unable to counter it on their “rebuttal”. At no time have we insulted or bad mouthed anyone on this website as they write, much less a fellow lawyer or law firm. Please quote me doing so.

    We fail to see how our comments can be construed as defamatory, as they write, when all we've written is factual as anyone can check for themselves.

    Legal Advice Counsel is not a law firm nor is it run by registered lawyers. As such it is illegal for them, under Spanish law, to offer legal services to clients. We stand by every word of ours. No lawyer member of this law firm has contacted us to stand us corrected should there have been a misunderstanding on our side. We were only contacted by Mrs Hamilton, a self-appointed "Senior Legal Advisor", to have this thread "immediately removed" as it was "malicious" in her own words.

    Furthermore and for clarities sake, “Marbella Lawyers” is not a law firm as they write, it’s a website . So we doubt they’ve read any negative comments on a non-existent law firm on “many, many internet sites” as they write on their rebuttal! The only law firm is Lawbird Legal Services, S.L.P, as per my signature.

    The name of the website has been changed to as can be read on the top-hand left corner on our home page. It used to be called “”.

    And to close this post Ms Stewart would you be kind enough, being a PR of L.A.C., as to shed some light on what is the relationship between your law firm, Legal Advice Counsel, and this other Marbella law firm called European Legal Services? www dot europeanlegalservices dot com/

    Both law firms have different names albeit share an identical website layout, written content and services as those offered by your company, Legal Advice Counsel. European Legal Services claims to be based in Marbella , just like your company, but fails to provide any address, contact e-mail, telephone number or fax number. No lawyers names mentioned either, just like yourselves. In fact, no one is mentioned!

    Bizarre way to do business, to say the least.

    Both law firms are part of “Bannister Hamilton Consulting Ltd.with Registration Number: 1534308 ”

    Thank you.

    Yours faithfully,
    Raymundo Larra*n Nesbitt
    Nº 6072 Málaga Law Society

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