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Thread: Timeshare resellers: Be careful!

  1. #81


    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Most of the comments on here are frm ex staff..
    I am wondering why you are so hell bent on saying that most of the comments are made by ex staff unless you work in the timeshare business and are trying to let people think that all these companies are legitimate!!!!!!
    If you are on here you should be trying to help us find out what is true and what isn't so that we don't part with our money for nothing. I am trying to find out if Odyssey is a scam company and most of the comments say they are. Do you know different then???? Will they sell my timeshare for me??????
    I would be grateful for any help.


  2. #82
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Mijas Costa



    I have been working in the timeshare industry for many years (ON THE CLENAER SIDE OF IT) I can assure you one thing:

    EVERY single so-called resale company that promisses you to sell your timeshare or worse: claims to have a buyer already and but wants upfront fees is a scam, every single one, no exeptions. You will never see the money again nor will your timeshare be resold.

    Believe it or not, you have been warned.


    Wolfgang Brand

  3. #83

    Default Timeshare resellers: Be careful!

    i was connected yesterday from millenuim marketing gave then 1200 on credit card to recover my money for a holiday club which i was conned on several years ago cybertravel said that they had a buyer and would all be settled in 28 days they gave me there telephone no email address and address in spain is this a scam some one help me .

  4. #84
    bryan tobin

    Default Timeshare resellers: Be careful!

    my grandmother has been trying to get rid of her timeshare since she cant use it anymore shes lost some money on it from a company called time share depot a guy saying he was trying to sell it and telling her it will take time and when she called and talked to someone else they told her he doesnt work at that company and hes been ripping off other clients ive looked on the internet and heard some of the exact same stories and im guessing this is part of their scam , and theirs another company called exchange international who is calling her saying they try to recover money from the resale companies and it costs a fee, i looked stories up on that company and learned they shouldnt be trusted, i think all those people are together in a scam, work in the same place and they know what their doing , their trying to take advantage of people and espeically the elderly they get very upset when i get on the phone with them and question them. My grandmother shouldnt have ever given any money but shes a good trusting person and doesnt realize that even though they might sound like a ligit company you dont know who your really dealing with over the phone you might be talking with someone that just got out of prison its good to always question people if you feel your being taken advantage of

  5. #85
    Legal Consultant
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Bryan, you are certainly right.

    We are receiving a dozen queries every day asking about the legitimacy of a certain offer, generally received by email or over the phone after a cold call.

    We do not recommend instructing a Lawyer that cannot prove to you that is registered with any Bar Association in Spain. If you have doubts about whether you are dealing with a Solicitor or a conman, you can ask for their registration number and the Bar Association they are registered with. No real Lawyer will take offence with this question. You can then call the Bar Association in question and ask whether this person is duly registered or not.

    Never pay any moneys upfront if you have been contacted out of the blue.
    Legal Consultant
    Lawbird Spanish Lawyers

  6. #86

    Default Timeshare resellers: Be careful!

    Hi, I got caught in the cyber travel scam. I have now received a call from Millenium Marketing offering to repay my cyber costs if I sell them my cyber certificate. Millenium are based in Malaga, Torre-del-Mar,
    Tel No 0871 244 5184 Nerja. So far they have not asked me for any money. Has anyone else been called by these paople?

  7. #87

    Default Timeshare resellers: Be careful!

    Had call from one Julia Davies of Millenium Marketing, Apartedo Curreos 151, Torre Del Mar, Malaga, claiming to have a buyer offering £3400 for my defunct cybertravel club membership. It would require a credit card holding deposit from me of £1200, immediately as the clients were only in Spain for another day. Telephone number was 0871 244 5184. I have asked them for written details, but they have declined. Do they really think that we are all that gullible?

  8. #88

    Cool Millenium

    I was called today by Millenium in Malaga, and they offered me 6300K for my CCC membership, plus 5K for the cashback due next year. They want 1350K though to set the ball rolling, but of couse, I'll get it back!

    Of course it sounds too good to be true, but has anyone had any dealings with them?

  9. #89

    Cool Millenium

    Sorry, new on here didn't mean to be anonymous!!

  10. #90


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