You're welcome Madam.

Normally banks are fairly inflexible. On you falling in arrears by more than 3 months, or even sooner depending on the wording of the Mortgage deed, they will accept no less than full payment of all outstanding amounts.

Insurance companies normally take a while to pay, so relying on them should not be an option.

What you must understand is that there are dozens of thousands of borrowers, if not more, in your same situation. Banks cannot entertain to wait longer as they have their own problems right now.

I'm afraid I cannot give you more advice on your matter other than trying to drive a hard bargain and reduce the amounts requested, spread them in installments or else pay up ASAP teh full amount.

Falling in arrears in Spain is avery serious matter as it may lead to being repossessed with all the associated consequences that will have for the rest of your life.

What you must not allow is for them to repossess you, that's the red line that must not be crossed for your own sake. You cannot do even follow a dación en pago at this point in time.

You will receive at your home address the notification of the law court. August law courts are shut down on holiday leave.

If there's any way you can raise these funds I strongly advise you do.

Yours faithfully,