Quote Originally Posted by Malcroach View Post
You are not correct on this one ,A UK Company under EU Law does not pay any tax in Spain ,You are referring to Non EU Companies . A UK Company is a EU Company and under the EU treaty as Long as the Company has a Minimum of 2 Shareholders and is registered in the UK for tax purposes then No tax, We have over 400 client companies under management and know this is the case. we file non resident company tax returns on the 31 st January every year with zero tax.
As you will be aware of the Spanish law a UK company will not pay the 7% tax if the property is gifted to the Company and once done no 25% tax on its rental income a UK company can also claim tax relief against its future and current earnings including mortgage interest and utility bills. This is not possible privately in Spain .If you are a resident of Spain for Fiscal reasons then you will not pay tax in Spain on your UK shares when sold as a non domiciled person only pays on their Spanish located assets not that of other countries .
WCD seems to know the right strategy
I think most people would be confused with what you say as not many will live in the Caymen Islands or other non EU locations
What about when the shareholder of the EU corp is a non-EU corporation?