Dear Hayley,

According to the current Law of Urban rentals, a rental situation can be proven even if there is not a written contract that has been signed, regarded as a tacit agreement. This is possible if you can show evidence of bank transfers for the rental payment and also show electricity and water invoices as well as have declared testimonials from neighbors that confirm you are living in the rented property. Those, among others, are accepted documents by law to prove a rental situation. Once this is proven you are in your full right to stay up to 5 years in the long term rented property as long as you make payment of the rent. If there is no written end of rental contract date, your landlord cannot start an eviction process for the following five years; unless they had put in writing they could to repossess the home as permanent family home for them or direct relatives or as a result of a divorce process. This information can be checked in article 9.1 of the current of Law of Urban rentals ( LAU ).

If your landlords still persisted in asking you to leave or changed the lock of the apartment, you can take the necessary legal actions and report them to the authorities.

Please feel free to read the following articles by one if our lawyers about tenant eviction process, that may be of your interest:

If you wish to look deeper into the matter, you can contact me by e-mail after clicking on my profile.
