Quote Originally Posted by physiog57 View Post
I wonder if anyone could help me with a potentially thorny issue of inheritance regarding the ownership of Spanish land.

I and my partner - both UK nationals, and we are not married - are on the cusp of buying some agricultural land in Catalonia, to live entirely on it, with no other home. (I will call myself A and my partner B.) We plan to farm it, and to erect moveable living structures on it, using the small caseta on the land also. Farming the land will be A's primary role, but B will also be involved in the decision-making in regard to the farming activity.

The money for the land, and the legal costs, will come entirely from B. A has two adult children, from a previous relationship, with whom both A and B do not particularly get on. B has two adult children also, also from a previous relationship.

A and B have assumed so far that they will be jointly owning this land...

But the question has arisen: what happens on their death(s)?

A is not especially bothered (especially since the money for the original purchase is not his!) about owning land or passing on land to his children. He is, however, concerned - and B agrees - that, should B predecease him, he should have an inalienable right to live on the land, until his death or until any decision he makes to leave the land, without disturbance from anyone, including B's children. He does not want to be in a position (and nor does B, for him) to have to live on the land by B's children's grace and favour.

In turn, B is most anxious to avoid a situation where, if A predeceases B, A's children have a right, under Spanish or English law, to inherit any or part of this agricultural land. B rightly points out that A will not have contributed financially to the original. B also wants to avoid any possibility that A's children might even imagine that there could be money for them out of this property - it needs to be crystal clear that there is nothing coming to them. B does not wish to have to relate to them in negotiations or discussion about this land and any rights they may think they might have to any or part of it.

A is entirely happy that, after both A and B have died, the land or its value should go to B's children.

We are aware of the following: (a) that joint wills are not possible under Spanish law; (b) that Spanish law says that English inheritance law applies, but that English law 'bounces' this straight back into Spanish jurisdiction, so that Spanish law determines the final position; and (c) that there is an automatic right under Spanish law for children to inherit a person's estate.

This why we wish to address this issue before we sign the contract for the deposit, which contract is presently drafted with us jointly as potential purchasers.

Is there any way, under Spanish law, for this land to be held jointly, and achieve the precise outcome we want? Is there any way to give A a right to live as long as he wishes on the land, should B predecease him? Is there any way of making it impossible for A's children to believe, should A predecease B, that they have any claim upon the land?

Sorry this is so long - and thanks for any help you can offer!
Dear Physiog57,

If A and B are of British nationality, both of them have assets in the UK and both have acquired ownership proindiviso, both have free disposition of their 50% share in ownership, and therefore both can grant will, always in relation to their percentage in the property, leaving their share in the property to whomever they like. You could leave your share to the surviving owner, adding other heir/s in the event of simultaneours or previous death of the co-owner.

If there were no assets in the UK, the rights of the legitimate heirs ( living children and parents ) would have to be observed.

Best Regards,