helo marta

My wife is Portugesa. in 2006 we married in swedon. regstd.our marriage in spain and got (tarjeta familar de la union). from 05 years Im working. Now I have fijo job contract.

About 02 or 03 years my wife is not in my contact. I donot know she is alive or dead.
About 05 month before i hired a lawyer for divorce but I m not satisfy with lawyer due to his different statements in different times

My question is

1. From court or which office i can check status of my case now?
as per lawyer statement

2.The court also advertise in a newspaper to inform my wife for divorce from where i can get this news paper? Pls try to solve my problem awtg.

Because Lawyer is not giving me any documentry avidence only different statements.
Hope u will give me the solution pls.