Quote Originally Posted by Cindy View Post
My husband just got a letter today in the mail from a “Luis Santiago Associates Abogados” in Madrid. Interestingly, the letter was posted in Pisa, Italy. It requested my husband to pose as the next of kin of a wealthy “client” of the law firm who has allegedly died leaving 7,500,000 Euro. The deceased “client” has the same last name as my husband. The “lawyer” requested that my husband be “presented to the bank as the next of kin” to avoid the money being confiscated by the government. The “lawyer” suggested that my husband contact him to get more details. His generous proposal is that after giving 10% of the money to charity the remaining 90% would be shared between my husband and the “lawyer”. Needless to say, we are not responding.
Today, 28 May 2011, my wife received a similar letter from the same "company", apparently a far away relative died in the Tsunami of 2004(!!!) leaving my wife $7.5 mio to inherit, same text as described in the other posts, regarding sharing of the inheritance etc. The letter we received was posted in Valencia.