We have a well established community but the President and his two deputies run it with little consultation. They even avoid meetings with the other committee members. it is like a dictatorship. They use their power to try and make life difficult for those owners who they know disagree with them. They stay in position by lobbying owners for proxy votes. They attend the AGM with these proxy votes which often out number the number of owners at the AGM. They vote themselves back in, prevent other owners from being on the committee and pass through rules and regulations that are often disputed at the meetings. There is no democratic procedure. Unfortunately most owners live in the UK and are unaware of what is going on. The President has access to all their contact details and therefore we cannot let them know what is really going on. The minutes of the AGM are doctored and never show what truly takes place. The minutes are never approved at any of the AGMs. So this means they are passed without discussion. The president takes legal action against owners without the full consent of the community. What can we do?