I have a question having to do with vetting a particular real estate agent and lawyer. I do not speak Spanish, which makes my research difficult.

I am considering purchasing a property in Valencia, and I have initiated contact with a firm located there, operated by Juan Torres de Miguel:

http : // valenciahomes . es
http : // advocatsabogados . es

(I put the spaces in to the above links only because the automated system would not let me post a message with links, as I am new)

I found this firm via a google search initially.

I am simply trying to determine the legitimacy of the above businesses before I go further. (Competency is a different question, which I know that you can not comment on.) I am hoping you could be of assistance. Anything you can tell me would be appreciated.

It all appears legitimate to me, but a more experienced set of eyes would be invaluable.

This forum is very useful. Thank you in advance for your help.