i have recieved correspondence in regards to a united kingdom/spanish gsm mobile promotion in which it stated i had won $170,000 euros which is $339,926 aud involving a sweepstakes draw i have kept all of the correspondence between me and the organisation involved as i am concerned it is a scam although it seems legitimate as they have sent me alot of thourough detailed information including a letter of guarantee from law chambers and companies uk barrister richard brooks and have also sent me copies of financial secretarys details including permiso di residencia and generalitat valenciana conselleria de sanitat sistema nacional de salut tarjeta provisional photocopies. According to the spanish law act 1982 ref 23.6 they are not legible to lay a hand on the money because it has been declared to be $170,000 to the ministry of economica y hacienda in spain(lottery board of spain) and that i am responsible for covering the tranfer fees as i am the sole beneficiary of the money which is only $1,109 aud to the financial secretary via a western union money transfer i have no problem doing this if it is proven to be real but how do i find out i am in the process of consulting legal advise in Australia but the more help i can get the better it will be for in the short term i am a pensioner with two children and money is very tight so the winfall would be life changing for me and my family. Can you advise?