I posted yesterday, and today looked at the EM website. If you have any doubts that this is a total scam, please note the following.

For me personally, I would prefer my legal representatives, if they are competent, to at least check the spelling of words they would surely be familiar with........ (This taken directly from their home page)...

"European Mediation is a mediation company that liases between multiple clients and lawyers to persue compensation for fraud victims. We are not a brokerage house, no-one from European Mediation will offer to buy, trade or switch any investment you have.."

In case you didn't spot them, "liases" should be spelt "liaises" and "persue" should be "pursue", small points perhaps, but proof for me that these are legal representatives I would not want to work for me.

(Unless they go for no money up front and "no win, no fee")