
Thanks again for your quick response.

Why was this not noticed before ? I think because we concentrated on what actual money was being spent and assumed (wrongly) that the Administrator could be trusted to allocate the fees correctly. Most owners are from the UK and the cuota system is unfamiliar therefore. It was only when a neighbour and myself looked into it more deeply, having read articles like yours, that we came across this error.

The same President and Administrators have been in place for some 5 years now and this has not helped either. I am not sure that it was deliberate or just sheer incompetence but what I now know is that the many Apartment owners are subsiding the few Villa owners illegally and unjustly.

You say " "you are going to face heavy opposition from the rest of the owners (namely those who own a villa, larger commonhold quota) to have the system amended as per the Master deed?

I apolgise for being a little slow but I still do not undertand this. Regardless of when (or why) it was done, the system in place is illegal - an illegal change to the Master Deed has been made, and all I wish to see is the illegal change stopped and the correct amounts calculated as per the registered cuotas/master deed. Why can I not propose this illegal change offficially and, when the vote is not unanimous, get it voted off ?

Patrick O'Connell