I have a tenant who I stupidly let my property to who came up short on the deposit and hasn't paid any more money or rent.
I Issued a receipt for the money they gave as a deposit which was cash.
They are claiming that they do not to leave the property because the receipt is a contract, they are unwilling to pay any more money.
As they have no contact and there is no paper trail of the deposit changing hands ( they have no Bank account)am I to understand that they have full rights as tenants or are due to them not having a contract they are now squatting in my property?
If they have no contract and are squatting, they are constantly going out and the neighbours have told me they are leaving the door open quite regularly, if this is the case - can I just change the locks when the door is left open and the squatters are out?
Also what would be the legal recourse on the disposal of their possesions because obvviously I would not let them gain entry to the property again.