Sorry I cannot offer more help on your matter, but I went on holiday to Spain last month and discovered several hotels that were immediately dangerous and some that were liable to have explosions.

I notified the authorities and British Embassy & tour operators, but was suddenly arrested for 'assaulting a police officer' when he jumped on me and then assaulted me to grab my computer and iPhone. I was given a 6 month prison sentence suspended for two years + 900 euro fine and came back home to the UK.

I have now been summoned to appear this Friday to the court in Spain to answer further charges of Libel Slander and Columny. I fear that they are either going to incarcerate me for years or I might 'disappear'. The photos and reports I have made show detailed information regarding the standards that Spain have to-with potential international consequences as they are dangerous hotels. The Spanish Government has done a lot to shut me up, but I need help from as many supporters as possible as I am just a retired disable engineer who cannot stand by when thousands of innocent people could die. Yours, Sue Seers