Your options to obtain a full refund remain intact given the fundamental breach of contract. However we cannot guarantee that you will be obtaining your deposit back without executing a favourable ruling via embargos on property, bank accounts etc, for which we will need to find suitable and unencumbered assets.

Whilst the above may seem unclear from a practical point of view for while it does indicate that you will win in Court but not when you will see your money, a favourable ruling is critical to consolidate your rights and your legal position within the contract.

Bear in mind that once you have won in Court you will be in a position to:

  • Execute any unencumbered property or asset owned by Aifos with an expectation to obtain your deposit.
  • Negotiate a reduced price for another property in a different location, knowing that you can at any time execute the judgement. This gives you an enormous bargaining power of negotiation when it comes to imposing your conditions on a new deal with Aifos and attaining price reductions of up to 25% of the original price.

Should you require further clarification on the above and/or information on how to proceed further do not hesitate to contact me.