Dear Patricia,

Im a non eu citizen currently expecting a baby with a spanish citizen( we are not married). Im currently studying in poland and we would like that the baby gets born in spain. I have a few questions for you

1) if baby gets born in spain will he/she get the citizenship right away even though we are not married?
2) if baby will get the citizenship, do i have the right as the mother to get some kind of residence permit in spain? We intend to get married and me move to spain right after i finish my studies
3) will the baby be able to travel after birth, how long does the passport take to get for the baby
4 ) in any case the baby is born in poland, will he/ she be able to get spanish citizenship since the father is spanish

Any kind of advice would be greatly appreciated in what would be the easiest way for me to move and work in spain. The pregnancy was unexpected and im very overwhelmed with the whole process. I also have been thinking of maybe getting polish citizenship but im sure that would be more difficult for me. The whole issue is that i have to be in poland after the baby is born in order for me to finish my studies!
Thank you in advance!