Hello Patricia,

It seems you are helping a lot of people with your work - I hope you can with us, and thank you in advance.

I will be having a baby in August, in the UK. The father is Spanish, but has unfortunately reacted very badly to the pregnancy, hence my reason for returning to the UK during pregnancy and to have the baby, with support from my family etc. I had not planned to leave Spain before this happened, but felt that for this period it was the best option.

I am currently a little concerned about the situation for us (baby and I) wanting to return to Spain some months down the line, if the UK exits the EU. I know that this is all very uncertain until it happens, but could you give me a rough idea of what would happen in the case that a baby was born (outside Spain) but to a Spanish father/foreign national mother (non-EU national if Brexit happens)? What would the residence/legal status/options for baby and mother then be?

Again, thanks so much for any advice you have.
