It is now interesting that this subject is gaining pace, I posted nearly two months ago, and I am now aware of many apartment owners who have tried to get their fees calculated legally by cuota stated in their escritura.

With reponse to the last posting, I think that you will find that the President acts as a legal representative of the community in action. He himself can be sued by the community if the members feel his actions have prejudiced their interests, which in this case they have.

Whould the lawyers be able to tell us if the incorrect calculation of community fees continures into a new president's role would also this new president be legally responsible if this is brought to his attention?

We now have a copy of the legal statutes when the community was legally constituted which were set up by Polaris from the registry, and it clearly states that the fees should be distruibted by participation share cuota's, not this new method of surface area and plot size. As artcile 5 of the Horizonal Property Act, please confirm that this can only be changed by unanimous vote of ALL MEMBERS?

It is clear that every door is being blocked by the Administrators (who is not an elected officer of the community) and the Committee, We as owners have requested an item on the above to be added to the agenda on the main AGM in a week's time, could you please confirm if the President is obliged to add this to the agenda for a vote?

Thank you for your advice and I look forward to seeing your reply.