My friend has outstanding community debts of nearly 6000 euros and last week a policeman turned up at her door saying he had to verify the address. She is now in a panic as she thinks she will lose her house. We have tried contacting the community to see if she could start paying bit by bit but they have not replied. She lost her job so only gets odd cleaning jobs to get by. She also has fallen behind with her mortgage although she does make regular payments to the bank. She is scared of being made to go to court and what will happen. Is there anything she can do to stop legal action at this stage and what is the next procedure? What can the court do, can they take the house or anything in it? (with the drop in prices of property she would probably be in negative equity if she tried to sell). The policeman said notices were sent but she never received any. (her postal service is very bad where she lives) What if she was summonsed to court but didnt go because she didnt get the notice, could she be arrested? Any help would be great.