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The Spanish Lawyer Online
The Spanish Lawyer Online


Type: Posts; User: Nadeem

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  1. Thanks marta I got your answer, Surprisingly I...

    Thanks marta I got your answer,

    Surprisingly I just have tarjeta sanitari but I never visited to Doctor from three years. I have used the mobile sim of my friend because when I came to Spain I...
  2. Replies

    Thanks Marta for fast reply, Is it possible to...

    Thanks Marta for fast reply,

    Is it possible to get citizenship of my expected child that I ll refuse the citizenship of my origin (Pakistan) for child? I ll do that by writing application to...
  3. Hi Marta, I am living in Seville, Sapin,...

    Hi Marta,

    I am living in Seville, Sapin, before that I was living in Barcelona Spain from September 2007 illegally. In March 2010 I am shifted to Seville because I cant get job there and my cousin...
  4. Replies

    Citizenship of Child born in sevilla Spain


    I am from pakistan and living in Denmark from 5 years. I have a residence permit (Green Card) of Denmark. My wife is pregnant and expected in august 2011. I am going to live in sevilla with my...
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