
As my colleague explains above, the tax payments can only be deferred if the Tax office approves it. The maximum time they can grant to pay by installments is 5 years, so 10 years is not accepted. Also, please be aware that not all types of taxes can be deferred; for instance IHT, once claimed from the tax office, has to be paid within 1 year maximum.

You mention you do not have assets, but I am not sure if related with Spain or in general. If you mean you have no assets in Spain, be advised that this fact will not stop the tax office from claiming, Tax agencies throughout Europe are cooperating to recover funds and processes are unified and quite efficient, so once you had assets elsewhere in the EU, these could be embargoed for the claimed amount.

You could in fact sue the gestor if you believe that he made a mistake, however, these actions will entail legal fees, so it will only compensate if the claimed tax amount is very high.

Best Regards,