The community I am involved with is composed of a number of component communities and a larger resort community. Most of the community property is owned by the resort community.

At Christmas one of the social societies attempted to arrange a street party.
In this case there was a carol concert, food planned and a few market stalls selling gifts for Christmas. They contacted the administrator who had help them in the past to get the necessary permissions from the town hall.
The resort president came to know about the street party. He banned the event giving various reasons.
The social group and the president do not get on well for various reasons.
In the end the community hijacked the event and had their own carol concert in the "town centre" of the resort.

The president has proposed that social events are banned throughout the resort except the the town centre and permission will have to be given by him . He wants the community to vote on this issue.

Do owners have to get permission from the resort president if an event is on the general community land?
There is nothing in the community statutes.