Many many thanks :-)

What is the usual process time & eligibility requirements for Long stay Residence card a Relative to an EU citizen?. I am married to Spanish citizen and have a child together , we are currently living together in Spain - is this sufficient for my application?

Its almost year since we got married and have been living in Spain with my wife & my kid , they both have Spanish passports, so can I apply for Spanish citizenship which makes life easier to move Germany for work.

Do I need following documents to apply Spanish nationality, pls see:

1) Spouse must be Spanish - Yes, My wife is Spanish
2) Must be living in Spanish for 1 year - Yes, about to complete 1 year
3) Marriage civil registration letter - Yes, I have it from Spain.
4) Spouse date of birth certificate - Yes
5) my date of birth certificate - yes, I have it
6) must not have crime record - None I have
7) Current financial status - currently we are depending on my wife parents incomes ( we dont have jobs, thats why we want to move to Germany - as we both have job possibilities there)

It took almost 1 year for my previous residential card ( Regimen Comunitario) without any reason has been given, now I am going to apply for my Spanish nationality in the same foreign office where my previous residential card process took place and I am expecting they are going to make VERY LONG delay this time. Could you please tell me is usual average process time for Spanish nationality applications and what sort of objections they create to delay.

Once again THANK YOU VERY MUCH and hope you answer soon Patricia

Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
Hello dkg,

Yes, possibly those cards were issued long ago or the circumstance for getting them granted were exceptional; I cannot tell.

In response to your questions:

1) If you register as a resident in another country, Residency in Spain will be cancelled. You cannot be resident in two countries simultaneously.
2) A residence card is cancelled after 12 consecutive months out of Spain.
3) In case the Immigration authorities have not become aware of your absence of 1- years, and the card is still valid, you can try and apply for Long stay Residence card a Relative to an EU citizen. If they have become aware, you would have to start the process again, though I am surprised by the timeframe you suggest as the process does not normally take more than 3 months.
4) That question can only be answered by the German Immigration Authorities.

I hope my answers have been useful.
