In October of last year we visited Tenerife to see my mum. While there we saw two deeds which were both in my mother's and father's name. My dad passed away April 2011. We also saw another document which gave my mum special power of attorney over my father in the administration of the flats. My mother had never disclosed any of this to me. In November she and her partner contacted me several times asking me to send my father's death certificate through the post, and also my passport. I refused. We consulted a solicitor in Tenerife who said she could be committing an offence and could contact the Spanish authorities about it as well as all the local Notaries, and she was not able to change the ownership of the flats in the meantime. My father left no Spanish Will and his English Will names another solicitor in the UK as the executors. The solicitor in Tenerife carried out a search on the two properties, he confirmed one of them to be in joint ownership between my mother and father but could not confirm the ownership of the other property, so surmised that something had happened to it. He said he would investigate when he got instruction from the executors. When the executors finally got back to us they offered to hand over the title of executor to us as they had no knowledge of Spanish law. The solicitor in Tenerife said he would work round this, though where previously he was going to contact the Spanish authorities and investigate what happened to the other properties, he now says that he will contact my mother stating I want to claim my share in the property, as well as ask for evidence of ownership of the other property. If she doesn't cooperate it will cost me thousands of euros in court fees to force a sale. I have very little money to deal with this. This is a far cry from the beginning when he was treating it as a matter for the Spanish authorities, which is what we wanted. We have contacted the police in the UK but they say we have to contact the police in Spain, this is impossible as we don't actually live in Spain. We are at our wits end and not sure what we do next to obtain some kind of justice. My mum has completely ripped me off!!!!