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Thread: permanent residency whilst working overseas

  1. #1

    Default permanent residency whilst working overseas

    I am an offshore engineer, working on projects around the world on a equal time rotation, i am wanting permanent residency in Spain and wanting what do I have to do to gain entry... As I am looking to stay indefinitely...

  2. #2


    Hi Pete,

    Permanent residency can only be applied for once you have been a legal resident in Spain for 5 years.

    Please let me know what is your nationality as there are different rules for non EU citizens.

    Patricia Martin
    Immigration Consultant at Lawbird | Contact Me
    Check My Profile

  3. #3


    Thanks patricia,

    Nationality is Australian. So Im guessing that If I am coming and going out of the country, this would effect gaining residency after the 5 years?


  4. #4


    Hello Pete,

    My apologies for this late reply.

    Yes, it would certainly have an effect if you spent more than 185 days per year out of Spain. The first step is to apply for a residence permit, either salaried ( if you worked for a Spanish company ), self-employed ( registering as a sole trader in Spain having your own business ), or Non Lucrative, that I do not recommend you in case you are a salaried worker out of Spain, as this type of residency is aimed to businessmen/women, wealthy individuals and leisure travelers than can prove solid, regular and high income.

    An initial residence permit is granted for one year, that is them renewed for two additional years. As you mention the nature of your job is related to the engineering sector in worldwide projects, the 185 days rule may not apply as you could prove your work demanded long periods abroad.

    I suggest you contact me by email so we can study in detail your profile and then decide on the best route to follow in your case.

    You can find my email if you click on my profile.

    Patricia Martin
    Immigration Consultant at Lawbird | Contact Me
    Check My Profile

  5. #5

    Default Permanent residency through marriage with spanish national

    Hi Patricia
    I would like to find out if you can enlight me in regards to gain permenent residency when you are married to spanish national.
    We are now married for over 6 years (I am Turkish living in uk) what is the procedure and time needed to reside in spain in order to get permanent residence(How long to live in spain with my wife and how long does processing time takes to get one.)

    Thank you very much in advance

  6. #6


    Hello Kadir,

    Once you decide to settle in Spain with your wife, you are granted three months to apply for your Tarjeta de Residencia de Familiar Comunitario. Among other documents, you will have to submit your marriage certificate and Town Hall registration ( empadronamiento ). After about 3-4 months you will be granted the residence card that will allow you to live and work in Spain during 5 years.

    After those 5 years you will be entitled to apply for permanent residency, called Tarjeta de Residencia de Larga Duracion, regimen comunitario,as you are married to an EU citizen ( of course, if you still keep the same family circumstances ).

    Patricia Martin
    Immigration Consultant at Lawbird | Contact Me
    Check My Profile

  7. #7


    Si je reformuler un article de nouvelles, c'est que le droit d'auteur?

  8. #8
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Malheureusement je ne comprends pas votre question. Pouvez- vous la reformuler? Merci.
    Marta Flores
    Legal Assistant at Lawbird
    Check My Profile

  9. #9
    sonu naqash

    Thumbs up facing problem for work in denmark with my regumen comuntario residency of spain

    i m a boy, 22 age. i have spain regumen comuntario resideny(got throuh my father married). my advocate of spain told me that i can work in eny europ country with this residency but when i came here in denmark, i'm facing problems for work here with contrect. what should i do now?? give me information about my residency for work in which countries and also how can i work here (drnmark) with this residency..
    i shall be very thankful to u...


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