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Thread: Public Warning.-Scammers passing themselves off as Spanish lawyers and law firms

  1. #41

    Default Scam

    I also received a letter from Fernando Abogados Law Firm in Spain saying I had the same last name as an oil magnate who had died in the tsunami in December 2004. They want to list me as the next of kin so I can receive half of the 8.6 million dollars he left. I was suspicious right from the start. thanks to these postings, I can see I'm not the only one!

  2. #42


    MR toni ramon send to my grand mother a letter about a fund in spain 5.750.000 euros.
    XAXAXAXAXAXA .. very funny mr. toni

  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    MR toni ramon send to my grand mother a letter about a fund in spain 5.750.000 euros.
    XAXAXAXAXAXA .. very funny mr. toni
    Exactly the same thing happened to me. I think Mr Rammon has taken all Greek dead people and "is digging them out".
    Can somebody stop them ?

  4. #44

    Exclamation Scammer - jose antonio lopez

    We live in Australia & we have also recieved a letter from DIEZ ASOCIADOS & ABOGADOS. Our supposed distant relative apparently passed away with his entire family in Spain on the Valencia Express Way... SHAME ON YOU MR. JOSE ANTONIO LOPEZ!!!

  5. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    We live in Australia & we have also recieved a letter from DIEZ ASOCIADOS & ABOGADOS. Our supposed distant relative apparently passed away with his entire family in Spain on the Valencia Express Way... SHAME ON YOU MR. JOSE ANTONIO LOPEZ!!!
    I received this exact same letter! I am from Toronto, Canada, and just received a letter today from Jose Antonio Lopez esq. stating that a person of the same last name died in 2004 with his entire family on the Valencia Express Way in Spain. That I am the only person that shares the same last name and if I were to claim 10.5million US left in his deposit bank that we could split it. This sounded fishy from beginning and I am glad I found this forum to warn others of this FRAUD!

  6. #46
    Crazy but not Stupid

    Default another con

    Please Add

    Antonio Reyes Lopez Y SOCIO
    Solicitor y Notaries Public
    C. Corsega 86,
    Principal 08036,

    Tel: +34 672 932 232
    Fax: +34 912 919 543

    Total amount $15,500,000.00 (USD) with a safe keeping/finance company in Spain

    He claims to be a Barrister

    Regards & stay safe.

  7. #47

    Default Another Scam from Spain!!

    Antonio Reyes Lopez
    Barcelona Spain.

    Wants us to claim to be relative of a person who died in the Tsaunami in December 2004 because supposedly they have the same surname as us!!

    Interestingly letter posted with a french stamp from France but Mr Lopez is based in Barcelona!


  8. #48


    Same letter and scam as the rest coming from Spain posted from France for Euro 5.5 etc. Be very careful!!!!

  9. #49
    Are we dump

    Default report

    We got the same kind of letter, hope what we did helped....we scan and sent to the orginal law firm showing how the name of the firm was being used. Maybe they can do something.

  10. #50

    Default Are you kidding me?

    I also received a letter from Antonio Reyes Lopez Y Socio. Apparently he's no longer interested in donating to charities anymore. We are simply to split the $15,500,000.00 (US)
    50/50. But of course the first step is that I lie and say I'm related to someone with the same last name as mine who died in the Tsunami in December 2004. I expect the next step would involve money. Mine not his. Also this lawyer is supposedly operating in Spain the envelope came from France. Must be a branch office. lol

    Sadly after what has just happened in Japan I see this scam escalating out of control. Worse than it is now.


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