Dear Mr. Churchill,

The first step is to find out if your father had made a will in Spain. This is an easy process as a consultation is made at the central registry of last wills. Once you know if he had a will, if he was a resident in Spain and if he had assets out of Spain, you will know what the inheritance Law of application is. In the event the British Law applied ( if he had properties in UK ), a solicitor in the UK would determine if you had any right over the Spanish properties. If the Spanish Law had to be applied instead, you could claim half of the Spanish villa, as children are legitimate and forced heirs in Spain. Our advice is that you hire the services of a solicitor that can help you deal with the transfer of the inherited estate in Spain, as he will be able to make all the proceedings in your behalf and contest the will in case it was necessary. We offer that type of assistance at Lawbird, so please feel free to send an e-mail to my attention should you wish to receive more specific information.
