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09-16-2010, 08:27 PM
Information for all estepona beach clients who used leslie alberici of conveyancing uk

You should be sueing her practice and registering a claim against Quin insurance where you will have an excellent chance of recovery of funds.But here is a twist Quins only way of riggeling out of this is if they can prove that she intended to defraud us which i do not believe she did .But on checking, Quin are in administration and Grant Thornton are the joint liquidators so they are in the shoes of the directors just as they are with ocean view a little bit of conflict i think.The insurance company controlled by GRANT THORNTON will not want to pay out .Lets see how it plays.

09-17-2010, 10:33 AM
1) Legal advice - if you have not sought any then you may wish to know some are making claims against a solicitor who was recommended to them by OVP. An option. A bit of reasearch will find some named solicitors acting who you can speak with;

2) When a company goes into liquidation, if you feel you are owed money by it you need to make a claim so you are registed as a creditor. Grant Thornton were appoited liqudators at a meeting of creditors held by the Insolvancy Service. For advice speak with:

Grant Thrnton
30 Finsbury Sq
London EC2P 2YU

020 7383 5100

Nick Wood and Ian Richardson are the joint Liquidators.

However, call Samantha Locke on 020 7728 2651 or email her samantha.j.locke@gtuk.com for advice on registering a claim.

Agree, we were duped. Not greedy. Conned. The perpertrators must get brought to justice.

I have lost everything , and have nearly lost my husband from cancer because of the stress that this has caused . I have not received one email of what realy is going to happen . Or is this just another blind and I will never get any money back not even a percentage

09-17-2010, 11:06 AM
I have lost everything , and have nearly lost my husband from cancer because of the stress that this has caused . I have not received one email of what realy is going to happen . Or is this just another blind and I will never get any money back not even a percentage

- Have you contacted Sam Locke at Grant Thornton - it is really easy to speak with her. She will update you. Is your claim registered. Who knows what the outcome will be - but you should make sure you are registered with them as if they do recover funds and make a payout you need to be on the list with a valid claim. An annual update is due soon to all those registered. It has not come out as of yet. If they don;lt know who you are, you will not be included.

09-19-2010, 04:21 PM
- Have you contacted Sam Locke at Grant Thornton - it is really easy to speak with her. She will update you. Is your claim registered. Who knows what the outcome will be - but you should make sure you are registered with them as if they do recover funds and make a payout you need to be on the list with a valid claim. An annual update is due soon to all those registered. It has not come out as of yet. If they don;lt know who you are, you will not be included.

Yes I filled all the forms out and sent them back .....

09-20-2010, 01:13 PM
so you would have received some past update letters to confirm you are registered? all you can do now then is wait for news, like the rest of us if you have no other options such as legal action against solicitors, if you feel there is a case to answer

09-21-2010, 11:34 AM
GT advised me yesterday that the update letter, with lots of information on the case, will be sent out in approx 2 weeks.

10-04-2010, 06:32 PM
Has anyone spoken to the Staffordshire Police lately. I do know that this case was referred to The Serious Fraud Office of The Metropolitan Police however there seems to have been no feedback to us. OVP went into liquidation a year and a half ago. Surely it doesnt take that long to set up an investigation. As the days months and years (49 months for me to be exact) go by i feel sick to my stomach that nothing solid has been done to help us or at least keep us informed.
Is there anything else that we can do??

10-05-2010, 01:50 PM
I emailed DC Tim Whitely some weeks back and heard nothing. Try calling him or Andrew Spears and let us all know what you find out please

10-05-2010, 03:21 PM
The Grant Thornton update is awaiting partner final approval - the report could be issued late this week of early next week but perhaps up to 2 weeks per Samantha Locke

10-06-2010, 04:30 PM
I drive past Longdon Hall everyday, backwards and forwards to work. Just for information, a sold notice has appeared on the building today.

Who gets the proceeds from that, Michelle?

Good luck to all of you in getting justice.

10-06-2010, 05:28 PM
i wonder if this is something GT have actioned? We will find out soon enough

10-09-2010, 04:33 PM
i wonder if this is something GT have actioned? We will find out soon enough

For all of those who have had a bad experienced. See Eye on Spain webite. Estepona Beach and Country Club Forum. ITV Homes from Hell are looking for people who have had a bad experience buying abroad.

Contact Laura Stevens on 0207157 4247

10-14-2010, 11:44 AM
FYI - Longdon Hall appears to have been sold by receivers from the mortgage company so I understand - I have not verified this. Nothing to do wtih GT.

10-19-2010, 07:47 PM
I see with real interest ricardo miranda has raised $460 million dollars for punta perla lets hope we of estepona beach will get a chance to get our money back surely grant thornton will do something.What about the people who bought in morocco will they get there money back .

10-20-2010, 09:22 AM
It may be difficult to tell where the funds went but it is certainly very relevant as Spanish Law on guarantees dictate that funds receive as part payment for a property should be deposited in a special account to use specifically towards constructions costs.

10-20-2010, 11:12 AM
It is difficult to some extent as previouly posted the money was transferred to other overseas companies - at that point GT hit a brick wall. The annual report may reveal more on this.

A lot of money taken from people for deposts was clearly spent on running OVP, to impove CT's property, Longdon Hall, pay CT dividends, make loans to his companies etc etc.

So what we know is that much of it has gone - can any be recovered??

But we have reports of EBCC being knocked back and cancelled and deposits paid from OVP to Sungolf having been returned as the project was cancelled. Then you have to question the facts. At that point, what did OVP do with the money and why was it released against all bullsh8t assurances. GT gave the views of each party before and their side from their findings.

What is the truth? Are you sure you should be blaming RM on this particular case? I'm not convinced.

10-21-2010, 01:28 PM
Wake Up and smell the coffee we need miranda to be held responsible as the developer for ocean view to be the agent then we will have a claim against miranda similar to the ruling lawbird was successful in obtaining in spain even tho not all the money was recieved by the developer a judge in spain still held the developer responsible for ALL the money.There is clearly no money in ov ct or his cronies let us focus where the money is which is with miranda and now he has raised $460 million Why would you not want him responsible i want justice but i would rather have an opportunity to get my money back and i hope ov were decieved then we have a very good chance .Lets turn all this negative energy into positive attack against miranda.

10-21-2010, 02:04 PM
I know what you want. I'm smelling the coffee, but what are the facts? Were OVP deceived? Or did they deceive? OVP were businessmen. Not stupid ones either (so they thought & it may be that they still are pretty happy- bancruptcy? Does this mean anything - it depends doesnt it!). I cannot believe they would be acting as agents and allow themselves to caught in this way. I believe they agreed to buy the whole lot from Sunngolf and sell them on at a massive mark-up. Why not. It's a no brainer for both parties.

Sorry, but this is not being negative but a real possibility. Everyone is looking at angles and I hope everyone is successful in their claims.

There were never any signed contracts by Sungolf -why? Part of a ploy? Because they were not genuine? Who knows?

Ok, it could be feasibly either way. GT have a view and gave them before. However, if the deposit money was supposed to held and given to Sungolf, why is it missing?

We have no OVP accounts after y/e 30.10.06 to review but those for 2005 and 2006 tell alot, and I cannot believe was any great change in behaviour after that date.

Does anyone know any truth about Morocco (either before when it was Royal Maroc, or after when rebranded)- was it an OVP/RM Joint venture? A stalling tactic by OVP? Was Unico the new OVP - given the OVP situation was collapsing? Anyone know?

I just know who was given my deposit money and who allowed it to disappear or plainly used it with total disgregard for the people whose money it was, and I hope they get punished severely for this.

If someone can support you in any claim, then go for whatever gives you some prospect of success as long as you do not end up in an even worse position. But don;t go into it blindly or desparately.

It is a tragedy for all involved. I wish you luck in getting your money back anyway. I can only make comment on the facts available. What I do not understand one bit, is that the scale of this should get us the full support of the police to investigate this and find out the truth.

10-27-2010, 08:12 PM
I have absolutely no time for all the lies from ocean view but i believe the truth lies within all the postings that have been made and in advance of gt statement i note the following

Ocean view are refered to as an agent by a judge in spain in the case bought by lawbird .
Why would they change there modus operadi and buy this site for 70 million

Gt will be able to answer this and what would we all think if miranda and his lawyer were lieing and they were agents?
Ocean View payed over 12 million to sungolf over 3 years why did miranda keep recieving it if he had told ocean view it was not happening where is all this communication between these 2 companys.
Was this money returned to ov if so when and surely it would show in ov bank statements which gt have and again what communication between these 2 companys.
Why did ov send money to sungolf and lie.

Study the accounts our payments and develpoer payments sit in debtors and creditors and ov refers to itself as an agent so why would it buy this site where would it get the money from we were only paying 30% in clearly not enough.

Reference morocco there is a poster earlier who dealt with unico in spain directly and states that there is legal action against unico in spain aka miranda for the return of deposit.
Search unioco in england it is owned by a spanish co
There is no project or land sound familiar?

The directors of a company are responsible for what happens to that company but were they decieved.
Take a good look at miranda lots of info none of it good except that he has managed to raise 450 million .
Is lawbird interested in this case i am a lot happier now we have something to go at .
The noise from grant thornton is deafening so much help

It would be great to see justice but what is that my greed made me blind i believe ocean view were decieved and there greed was there downfall and in turn they decieved us and our greed was our downfall but the one unaffected party is miranda perhaps justice will now be done and we can find away to bring him to the table'

10-28-2010, 01:26 AM
reasonable points perhaps but

1) No judge in Spain has ruled on EBCC that I am aware of. They may have been noted as agents on other developments
2) They would agree to buy yhe whole site if they could double their money. They may have taken 30% of the whole lot but I doubt they would be paying Sungolf the whole purchase price for a site where no spade has ever been seen although many lies were made about ground scraping etc. Surely 30% of of the full price is more than needed to buy the whole site if they were doubling up on the purchase price?
3) Not sure about money flows but there was an account of this in a previous GT report.
4) Undesputable is that OVP were in control of our money and breached agreed terms to hold it but stole it (as it is missing it is therefore stolen)
5) Discription in accounts - ok, that may mean something, possibly, as they were audited accounts
6) Action against Unico - might have a point there
7) Greed - maybe yourself, maybe others, but the EBCC promise & OVP travel rental guantantee all sounded good

there must have been paperwork/agreeements but where are they?

I still cannot be convinced that no-one except the people behind OVP misled, lied and stole our money including IVA money they should not have been taking. They should be locked up. There were plenty of assuances that our money was to be held in secure account pending the granting of a build licence. They received and controlled our money and were responsible for it.

Still we are very close to getting the update letter. Maybe this will shed some light on this.

10-29-2010, 05:48 PM
GT update letter - will be posted Monday now

11-01-2010, 09:58 PM
I have one of the poor human being who came into contact with xxxx xxxx. I have been a recent victim on a Bulgarian property scam. Yes, sold apartment that do not exist! Pity I did not do a search on him or I would have found out that he is a fraudster. From what I have read he seems to be doing these cons for a long time now. I can't believe that he has been allowed to get away with these scams for so long.

Since I have been a victim, I have noticed that he has been selling raffle tickets for a bogus charity and he is now operating under Advantage Africa.

I know someone who worked for Mr xxxx. they were treated very badly apparently. I have been told that he is on Facebook

11-02-2010, 02:38 PM
What about the GT newsletter promised for Monday (yesterday)?

11-02-2010, 04:42 PM
Good news - the GT update letter is going out today - not Monday - definately should have by Friday - Yawn!

11-03-2010, 07:08 PM
had mine today - a bit speechless - which is rare (but not for too long)

This conversation with the SFO had better be going well! They need to be punished for this. Locked up! It was clearly stated in documentation my "solicitor" sent to OVP the money was to be held separately and not sent to Sungolf until the Buld Licence was granted - it was not. They stole it. they lied about it.

So, Antonio / Raymundo - what do you make of this in context with M Costa action? Can you ask for the email and verify its adquacy as a link for a claim, please?

Is it genuine? Does it stack up?

Why unsigned? Millions of pounds involved. Was it sent to OVP for signing and not returned relying on so called unilateral signitures of contracts that seem to exist as being binding (if they are) in Spain? No one has signed contracts. How the hell can that be?

The level of money taken from OVP to other entities is staggering.

11-03-2010, 08:34 PM
I am not a creditor of OVP according to update letter but of Sungolf. Surely this is a good thing as at least they have assets. Totally dont know where i stand or what to do next. Anyone out there with any advice or guidance.

11-05-2010, 01:03 AM
I have received the update today and read it carefully. I think that this document will be disappointing and upsetting to many investors on EBCC and Gardens of Manilva who have now been told after 18 months of investigation that they are no longer considered creditors of OVP.

I don't know the exact numbers of investors involved in this category, but it must be in the hundreds. In fact, it is probably most of the investors who are victims of this fraud. It seems that they have been excluded on what is virtually a technicality based on the opinion of Grant Thornton's solicitors. I would imagine that this would leave a much diminished pool of creditors who are now considered to have a legitimate claim on any residual monies.

Anyone who has original documentation from OVP which states that their payments would be held securely in a bond or escrow type account should pursue creditor status with OVP without delay.

If we are now creditors of Sungolf we will have to prove that money was paid to them and was misappropriated. It seems to me that Grant Thornton imply that monies paid by OVP to Sungolf were returned and I think Sungolf would strongly defend any claims. Are we supposed to sue them for Breach of Contract instead? I think that GT are clutching at straws here in a vain attempt to throw us a crumb of comfort which will surely be a hopeless cause. I note that we are also advised to consider pursuing compensation through the route of incompetent legal advice we received. It is an option - but be careful as the OVP 'cottage industry' will now start to develop.

Many other thoughts occur and points to make. Why is there no mention of the transfer to Tafedna Bay which affects many EBCC investors? I think many investors have genuine documentation from OVP which states that their money has been moved to this development. How could OVP put this in writing to us if they did not have the money to move around? It means that they still had our money, therefore we are still creditors of OVP. If they did not have the money then this is a criminal act to mislead investors and is strong support for a case of fraud. Many of you will have this documentation.

It is very obvious from the report that money was being 'diverted' in to other companies which had OVP managers as their 'directors'. There were also large payments made to other individuals who had not earned it through any substantial work for OVP. This is YOUR money as indicated within the report. To be fair to GT they have done well to track this down and I wish them well with the claims they are pursuing. I trust that this type of information has been brought to the attention of the Serious Fraud Office by GT and has formed a major part of their discussions at meetings.

A very disappointing day on the whole. It seems that those of us who invested in good faith and actually put money into this may now see that money shared out as some kind of dividend to those who originally contributed nothing or those who have relatively minor claims. We should all think about who are the potential winners here. It gives a whole new meaning to the phrase 'No win... No Fee'.

My first post - but I felt I had to respond today. I will post more soon.

Never give up.

11-05-2010, 12:13 PM
I am sure as said GTs solicitors would have given an opinion on the standing the email and unsigned contract referred to. I will certainly be asking my solicitor to examine this.

Can it be traced to the source computer it was sent from? Was it obtained from forensic examination of the hard drive of a computer situated undisputably within the offices of Sungolf, or proved some other way. If this is a from a hard copy "found" I would like a second opition on the validity of this document.

Why is JKS not treated as a director - he seems to have played a heavy involvement in OCP?

11-07-2010, 02:25 PM
* have most people resigned to writting this off?
* I think we needed to up the level of contact with Staff Police here to be bringing action. Are these people to get away with this?
* Reliance on an unsigned document to me is not helpful - suggest all EBCC victims ask their solicitor to contact GT to request copies for evaulation
* Are these people still in business elsewhere - make sure the authorities know anything that is found out

Come on everyone, don't put up with this terrible treatment. We need action from the police - I know GT say they are liaising, but lets get pressuring them. No property - money to be held in a safe account pending the build licence - get all supporting evidence sent to GT. Get a response from them. Get the police to act. £34M NICKED FROM EBCC PEOPLE ALONE!!

I don't think GT have to report back to us for another year - don't sit back and do nothing.

11-10-2010, 01:38 AM
I have spent today speaking to various legal sources and the info I received confirms exactly what I originally thought.

In order for GT to write EBCC customers off the creditor list, they would have to provide hard evidence that all of the deposits, all 34 million of it were transferred to Sungolf and show that it was never returned to OVP.

GT also have a legal responsibility to raise concerns with the SOCA due to the scale of the fraud.

I appreciate that GT cannot give us all of the information as it may have an impact on the investigation, but I seriously hope they dont just think that they can tell EBCC investors that the money has just gone with no explanation.

This is a crime on a massive scale and needs serious attention to make sure that all involved with the investiagtion know what they are doing.

11-10-2010, 01:43 AM
Should GT be able to prove that all of our money was transferred to Sungolf, they will hopefully put all EBCC customers in contact with one source to enable large scale group action against Ricardo Miranda.

It seems that so far GT have not been able to prove our monies were sent to Sungolf, which means all EBCC customers are creditors of OVP.

11-10-2010, 08:05 PM
It is simple rather than keep bleeting on ocean view this and ocean view that we have now got the report and it is not what we want to see which is to blame ocean view for everything so lets take the positive out of it

We are creditors of sungolf


When i used to deal with stuart jones he said that miranda had used our money in punta perla

He also said the buy back option would be financed when miranda gets his money

Lets keep all our energy against those b*****ds at ocean view but know lets turn our attention to miranda

One lawyer 390 clients press and internet activity letters to domican officials and the chinese investment arm all we need to prove is money from ocean view to spain and spain to the carribean BINGO but we need to be united anybody up for a meeting to plan this?

11-11-2010, 04:58 AM
CT & XXX opened a trust in Gibraltar in 2002, best guess is that will be where the missing £42M might be? If not moved around or squandered by CT with the numerous other ventures.

11-11-2010, 12:18 PM
have you advise GT of this and Staff police

11-11-2010, 12:33 PM
To poster 532.
I totally agree. I have been involved in this nightmare for 4 years and we are yet to unite as a group. Perhaps a private website could be set up where we could exchange addresses and set up a committee. A joint 395 people strong group surely must have some influence. At present a range of solicitors are involved with what i see only to be an opportunity to extract more money from an already desperate and totally skint number of people.

11-11-2010, 06:24 PM
I have tried several times to contact Staff Police with not much luck...Left messages and not been called back...Left a message with the SFO in London no response yet...Not informed GT but will now...After all this time I expected that this would all be public knowledge by now...To all concerned make NO mistake whatsoever OVP and its Directors together with the AS & LS Brothers knew exactly what they were doing when signing people up and taking everyone's deposits...So did the one who was supposed to have gone down in the aeroplane in Brazil?????...Does it not seem strange that a number of projects in Spain...Punta Perla...And Morrocco are all scams? Further is it not a Directors job to ensure full Due Diligence is completed prior to any involvement in any projects...Miranda's developments included, they are laughing all the way to the Bank...They should all be in prison.

11-11-2010, 07:08 PM
Unfortunately as i had rather regreted just a bunch of disorganised disenfranchised bitter posters wake up revenge is great but it will not get any money back

1 We are on our own grant thornton have told us in a round about way

2 If unlike me you used a solicitor on purchasing on estepona beach sue them - very easy

3 Ricardo Miranda is the developer in estepona beach ,morocco and punta perla

4 He will not want over 100 people taking action against him (the ones that did not use a solicitor on estepona beach)

5 Instruct a lawyer to run the case in spain Maybe join up with the ones that are sueing him for there deposits back on morocco .Any ideas which lawyer is representing these clients?

6 Create as much bad press as we can

7 Join together and change our focus to miranda why would he lie to everyone that ocean view were buying the site because under spanish law just as lawbird was succesful against manilva costa and a judge in spain found the developer responsible for all the money even though he had only recieved some of it IS THE SOLE REASON WHY HE LIED he knows if we took action against him he knows that will be the outcome

8 Rather than keep bleeting on lets do something about it

11-11-2010, 07:46 PM
It is important to keep the momentum but also, analyzing the legal position and preparing and structuring an organized action is a must. At the end of the day the following are fact:

1. Many million Euros were paid to an agent (OVP) working for a developer (Sun Golf), around 30-40 mm Euros.
2. Sungolf ONLY paid 200k Euros towards a plot (Estepona) worth 20.000.000 Euros.
3. Sungolf is suing the owner of the plot to get this money back, a case considered to be a complete joke. I will be appearing in this Court as a witness of this sham of a Civil claim, in my condition of legal representative of 60 investors, to comment on the big picture.
4. All the money for Sungolf was shared between Miranda and the OVP boys.
5. Only Court action will clarify the whereabouts of the money.

11-12-2010, 03:50 PM
Antonio, thanks for the posting.

Would you be interested in collating a spreadsheet with all EBCC investors, in order so that we can start building group action? It's very difficult for for any of us to gather investor's personal information, but they will feel more secure and comfortable giving you their personal details.

Do you have any thoughts on this?


11-12-2010, 03:52 PM
Please ignore the title of my last posting. I typed the image verification in the wrong box!

11-12-2010, 04:16 PM
Folks -- As an interested observor I have a question. There seems to be a theory that Miranda diverted money from other projects to Punta Perla. Yet Miranda has received 30% deposits from numerous parties for properties in Punta Perla and other than pouring a few foundations has made no progress in developing PP. So where has all the deposit money gone that PP investors paid to Miranda?

11-13-2010, 10:51 AM
Antonio, thanks for the posting.

Would you be interested in collating a spreadsheet with all EBCC investors, in order so that we can start building group action? It's very difficult for for any of us to gather investor's personal information, but they will feel more secure and comfortable giving you their personal details.

Do you have any thoughts on this?


Our firm has an initial agreement with a group formed in Northern Ireland of approximately 70 claimants, between several developments. I can therefore assist in collating information through this forum and advise if and when any member of the above group decides to pull out.

11-13-2010, 11:43 PM
come on the likes of joey lets get behind this for all the people who did not use a lawyer inc myself lets get this

I have also heard that miranda decieved ocean view for 5 years

The people in irealand tell me of a statement made by a senior person who worked for miranda saying how he planned and defrauded ocean view

Part of that was that he only spent 200,000 euros of the 12000000 million paid of our money as a deposit on the land
there are over 50 people on morocco who are sueing miranda for there money back
no land and no project

It is like a game of chess miranda SEEMS TO ALWAYS hide behind others but on Punta Perla his baby he has to keep everyone happy

But in doing so out comes the truth and the asset that he is so desperate to keep from us becomes very obvious that it was brought with our money

This is so easy come on the likes of joey 123 and others lets get together and get our money back i cant do this on my own

11-14-2010, 01:24 PM
I agree and suggest we all email our details to Antonio, who has said he is happy to build a spreadsheet of investors on EBCC.

We will also need GT to assist with putting people in contact with Antonio as not all investors will be using the internet like us.

Also question for Antonio, I just need to clarify, are you willing to help us build a group of just EBCC investors? Or can we only join your current group if one party drops out?


11-15-2010, 12:35 PM
You will need to work with Antonio on this if he is willing to do so. At long last you have found someway forward if you cannot go after a solicitor if you feel you were poorly advised or did not use one for some reason. This needs to be for contract cancellation and recovery of deposit funds, if it can be done, and after ensuring there is sufficient assets to recover the money from and means to do so.

Both sides have contradictory stories. It would be nice to find out the truth.

11-16-2010, 10:42 AM
more talk money is gone get on with your life, spend 20-30 years on site nothing will happen. all of this is crap we were all scammed it happens, ask maddof investors how many got there money back, its funny that people really think money will be recovered and given back face the truth, every thing is corrupt and you will end up with nothing go get a job and move on with life family and children

11-25-2010, 11:42 AM
more talk money is gone get on with your life, spend 20-30 years on site nothing will happen. all of this is crap we were all scammed it happens, ask maddof investors how many got there money back, its funny that people really think money will be recovered and given back face the truth, every thing is corrupt and you will end up with nothing go get a job and move on with life family and children

It is all right for you to say that ,but many of us lost everything and we can not work , over 60 or disabled .And also did not have the funds to sue Ocean View

11-25-2010, 03:25 PM
This is why we need everyone to press for action by the SFO. We need a proper investigation. Some comfort - the properties would have been probably not to spec., worth less as there would be no facilities and u might have has a big euro mortgage. That said, we need to get our money back and ensure we get justice hound the people - police- supposed to look after us and force an investigation. Think we need to.arrange a big meeting with the SFO, SOCA? A BIT OF PRESSURE

11-25-2010, 04:02 PM
I agree. Contact Staffordshire Police on 03001234455. 395 calls in one week might things speed up. I know D.I. Speers is trying his hardest as i was talking with him recently but the powers that be above him are taking too long. Dont let this go away. Make the call and keep making it until we get an answer.

11-25-2010, 05:03 PM
call 1 being made now. from previous poster

11-25-2010, 05:25 PM
* case with SFO's baristers for consideration (since Aug 2010)
* reports from people that have lost money have been filtered to them for over 2.5 years
* call the SFO case referral Baristers on 020 7239 7272 and ask what is happening re the EBCC/OCV/Sungolf investigation.

Don;t call Andy Spears - lHe is waiting on them

11-27-2010, 12:03 AM
I was in a travel agents today to pick up a villas brochure and recognised a lot of other Ocean View builds in it mentioned in my time dealing witnh them. I did not buy from OV in the end but remember being tempted by the "success" of these past builds. Townhouses and apartments like Bel Air and Kristina in Duqesa. The brochure is Hoseasons. There must have been some OV success before all this catastrophe??

11-27-2010, 05:00 AM
So what? Does not alter facts.£70k missing. For me. x 395 others. equals a lot of money. gone. you think I care about these other properties? they lied about the safety of this money.

11-29-2010, 06:57 PM
Our money is not missing ricardo miranda has it and is also legally responsible look what he has done

estepona beach
tafedna bay
punta perla

the report from grant thornton (that we all have been waiting for) tells us that

ricardo miranda and uk lawyers have been misleading us

17 previous companys all liquidated

lawyers sueing him in
dominican republic

thank god he has an asset

12-02-2010, 04:09 PM
I think the people working at OVP were unaware of what actually ended up happening as it happened, although they must have suspected something amiss at some stage.
I would leave them be and if they post something, welcome it, not have a go at them. I would be interested in the name of the 5 of 6 and who the ex-ovp person feels was responsible and which one was not. Anger must be direct where due. Who was controling the flow of money. Who was living like a King at our expense?

CT & XXX mainly. Hard arsed and uncaring. Buying female workers £1000 handbags if they helped with the pushing through of more completions. Like a pair of bulldozers backed up by MB who was just a brute and a complete moron to work with. BP likeable, great seller and one of the nicer chiefs although was he going around the UK knowingly cheating people?? SJ a nice bloke who seemed almost at the point of a nervous breakdown always with owners on his back and seemingly desperately trying to sort their issues. AS from the sales side was a total idiot - add another S to his initials and you got him summed up.

Thing is for all this, the more I read of these threads even I am wondering if they were all just a pawn in Mirandas game???

12-02-2010, 08:53 PM
R u still employed by them. Those thieves knew what they were doing. U said as much.

12-02-2010, 09:05 PM
Thank you to the poster of 555 a complete irrelevance no doubt you got paid well with our money but you are correct about miranda i believe they were decieved by him and they did not look after our interest but as a previous poster said about completed development i am lead to believe there are over 20 developments that were completed but the only 2 not even started even today are both mirandas certainly says a lot to me.

12-03-2010, 01:21 PM
to poster 555 - would you explain this to DI Spears please?

12-08-2010, 07:28 PM
It's very quite out there - especially the Punta Perla thread on Singing Pig. Anyone know how Punta Perla is going - it's very quite on that thread!

Dear Mr Miranda - can you help clarify the position with regard to Estepona Beach and Country Club, in particular, the relationship with you and OVP?

Also, how is Punta Perla going? Can you publish some pictures of the progress and some news. I keep hearing stuff about problems? Are there problems? Have you received all of the deposit money and where is it? What is the plan and outlook for the investors?

12-11-2010, 06:12 PM
Hi my amigo

Thanks for enquiring after me if you follow the website Dominican watchdog you will read all about me.But alas i am a little skint at the moment and unable to pay my loyal staff all 4 of them in my international hq in madrid .Mind you if i could just find some more gullable agents to sell to some more gullable punters on my trail of successes in spain morocco and the dominican republic life would soon get back on track .Lets see how i get on with the chinese they seem a little green behind the ears .They are very impressed with my friends inc my old mucker fernando ,just hope i can keep this show on the road.It has been fun watching all these punters tear great strips out of those gready agents .All the best got to fly (if i could afford the fuel )

12-12-2010, 01:16 AM
r.m. you are so welcome i am sure more people will help you, as many people continue to t hink they will get money back can you see if someone will buy my fake property at punta perla hope your christmas is good enjoy the 250,000 dollars i gave you, perhaps you will do what mark maddoffs son did today kill yourself. your time will come, your family is also on the list a eye for a eye a tooth for a tooth.

12-12-2010, 02:07 PM
I can only imagine the strain and stress some of you are under reading through these threads as an interested observer but taking up the bait thrown down by the poster of "it's me" is a total waste of time. Quite obviously it is just some sad little prick with too much time on his hands who would be far better ignored. Stick together and don't be broken by saddos like that.

12-13-2010, 03:22 PM
I agree. Dont retaliate as posts like the previous one could potentially close down this very valuable forum.
I have had some feedback from the SFO which is positive. They are looking into the whole area and i personally believe that justice is close. I just hope it involves us getting our money back. Because at the end of the day this is all that matters to me.

12-13-2010, 04:53 PM
that's positive. I have previously posted the SFO's Baristers contact details so we can perhaps "pressure" them to act - the shear scale of this surely warrents action. Whoever has fiddled us needs to pay. Well done.

12-14-2010, 12:25 AM
Britons lose millions on the Costa homes that never existed.


12-14-2010, 01:54 PM
To Whom it May Concern,

My name is Sean O'Hare and I am a reporter at The Daily Telegraph. I would like to do an expose on Ocean View Properties and speak to people who lost money with them.

If you invested and would like to speak out, please contact me on 0207 931 3504

Many thanks

Sean O'Hare

12-15-2010, 10:21 AM
I invested in EBCC with out using a solicitor. I see that lawbird are now representing a large group from Northern Ireland. Does anyone know of any other groups looking to get together and hiring a solicitor, i am based in the Midlands

12-15-2010, 11:33 AM
who do you propose to take action against if you do get a group?

OVP - in liquidation - they are denying you being a creditor (ok, maybe that can be challanged) but you would be looking at 10p in the £1

Sungolf - why "re-invent the wheel" on this? Contact Antonio Flores in the first instance to see if he can help you.

12-15-2010, 09:45 PM
to the above poster i appreciate your comments i do not really know the answers we are just an ordinary family who are 70k down, i either just forget it and try and get on with my life or have one last punt if anything is viable

12-15-2010, 10:41 PM
U need to contact Antonio as I said. You have no other option. He might be able.to.help. call him. make sure you do. Also see.above re pressuring SFO.

12-16-2010, 08:35 PM
Hmm... wonder why the Singing Pig forum (totally) plus the Punta Perla thread has been "crahsed" - feeling uncomfortable someone? Speaks more then leaving it alone!!

12-27-2010, 02:57 PM
It is important we do.not forget who stole from us and lied constantly about ebcc. Going onto the new year we need to step up the action to get the ovp people brought to justice. I think the police will not act not unless we step up the campaign to get the necessary investigation. Ideas anyone? Can we get some political support like our friends.in Northern Ireland? They have some guts and determination. Where is it from everyone else.

01-04-2011, 03:58 PM
Singing Pig was a forum for property investors primarily in this country. It did however have a lengthy thread about Punta Perla. The company that owns the website (Rapid Property) have now gone bump. I can assure you this has nothing to do with Ricardo Miranda or any of the other crooks out there.

01-10-2011, 10:58 AM
Has anyone out there had any success or making any progress getting funds returned. All forums have gone very quiet and my solicitor doesnt seem to be getting anywhere. SFO very reluctant to talk or give any idea about whats going on.
The total nightmare continues

01-10-2011, 02:37 PM
which solicitor and what site?

SFO - pretty much certain they are doing nothing

01-14-2011, 10:16 PM

After a long wait i finally got to speak with our first minister Mr Peter Robinson today. He was more than sympathetic and has given me a meeeting with his Barrister. Unfortunately he says that my voice alone probably wont make much difference in bringing to justice the company, agents or introducers of this crime.Therefore I urge the other 100 famililies to contact his offfice and ask for an appointment. We only become strong when we are a united group. His office number is 02890473111.

01-14-2011, 10:41 PM
Dear All,

Today I had some encouraging news from friends we met on the inspection trip back in 2006. They could not give too many details due to the fact nothing has been signed yet.
Negoiations have commenced between them and the solicitor they used when buying on EBCC.

It was pleasing to hear some positive news for a change! Lets hope we hear more soon.

01-15-2011, 02:31 AM
What does that mean? Negotiations? Do they mean correspondence.has been exchanged as part of a claim, or is a settlement being negotiated?.an important point.

To the poster before. We have tried getting the SFO involved. The problem is, it is too hard. No minister.will be able to order them to investigate, I doubt. Is this exclusive to NI? Can we in England talk to him?

01-15-2011, 12:52 PM
Paperwork was exchanged I believe at the end of November last year between them and their solicitors. The negotiations taking place at present involve discussions of an out of court settlement. The case was very strong, however they will not give me specific details until they have settled, which I fully understand. At least it's positive and heading in the right direction.

01-15-2011, 02:59 PM
To poster 578.
I would imagine he would only deal with people from N Ireland however i would strongly urge you to contact your local MPs and pressure them. As i say as a strong united group something can be done. Keep the pressure on..

01-28-2011, 02:26 PM
I have today received a very positive email from my MP, explaining that they will be pushing for a full and thorough investigation into OVP and their crimes.

I urge you all to contact your local MP ASAP.

01-29-2011, 11:41 PM
To the last poster, are you from N Ireland? I would urge all English investors to go to their MP's regarding this, as there is momentum starting to built. I am trying to get America involved as well. There will be no more hiding places for the people who have taken our money.

02-05-2011, 03:02 PM
To the above poster:

No I am not from NI. They are achieving good things over there, due to the fact they have contacted their MP's. We all need to be doing this over here.

My MP is very suuportive and is currently making enquiries into the situation.


02-05-2011, 04:12 PM
It would appear that the Prince of Monaco has removed himself from the Punta Perla project (1 of 3 of Ricardo Miranda scams). I wonder why? The net is closing Mr Miranda.

02-05-2011, 06:31 PM
It would appear that the Prince of Monaco has removed himself from the Punta Perla project (1 of 3 of Ricardo Miranda scams). I wonder why? The net is closing Mr Miranda.

Could you please clarify this? Where has Prince Albert of Monaco removed his name from? Please provide more details. Thanks

02-07-2011, 10:27 PM
Have a look at www.eringer33.com
Robert Eringer worked for the Prince as a private investigator. If you spend some time searching on google, you will find out all sorts about the various frauds, Punta Perla, Estepona Beach and Country Club and Tafedna Bay. Eringer states on a video online whilst being interviewed that they have since discovered that Ricardo Miranda is a con man. Most of us already knew that! The evidence against Miranda is building each day!

02-14-2011, 04:32 PM
Could anyone discribe john as I have got involved with a john smith from the same area and is at th monent trying to get into a venture I am in.
regard b edwards

02-14-2011, 05:54 PM
Since the details of one of Colin Thomas's rental properties/website was highlighted, they have shut down their website. Should you still need to contact them the property address was -

Arden House, Carding Mill Valley, Church Stretton, Shropshire SY6 6JH.

Land reg will give more details should you need them.

Has Colin Thomas been kind enough yet to tell anybody where our money has been hidden?
Once he has assisted us in giving back whats ours maybe he could relax and enjoy life rather than having lots of people tracking everything he does.

phone number xxxxxx

02-15-2011, 09:02 PM
Very interesting reading about ricardo miranda on jan vesten website dominican watchdog looks like we will have to re think our stratergy with reference the sfo as they have confirmed there is nothing for them to investigate .I suppose it was inevitable as gt have confirmed ocean view were agents and they worked with different developers on over 20 sites that are all completed and the last site reading antonio flores blog even had a bank guarantee. The only ones where we have been had over is anything to do with miranda estepona beach morocco and punta perla i hope his day comes soon. He has helped ruin a lot of peoples lives and taken our dreams away and replaced them with nightmares.

02-16-2011, 05:33 AM
check out burton mail website about colin thomas interview
also sam price wind farm xxx wife

02-16-2011, 12:47 PM
I see that Colin Thomas states he was innocent in this large scale fraud, in my view he is just as guilty as Ricardo Miranda and is now starting to panic and I'm not surprised, once this has gone to court, who knows what sentance he could be given. This is why we all need to keep applying the pressure on this case, they need to be punished for their crime.

The article also states that Colin Thomas is working with Antonio Flores to try and assist his case against Ricardo Miranda.
Is there anybody using Antonio Flores who can check and see if this is correct please?
Also due to the fact Thomas got us all into this situation, is he helping to fund any legal cases with his many millions that he registered his partner's name during the OVP boom years?? probably not!

02-17-2011, 08:40 PM
Sadly I doubt that. Millions missing and nothing happening. The shit.will i away with it.

02-18-2011, 02:38 PM
I just saw this by coincidence...


02-18-2011, 10:46 PM
Congratulations to all involved with OVP. Also a big thanks to Staff Police, The SFO and Grant Thorton. It would be remiss of me not to mention the 2 MPs i spoke with as well. You are all useless. You should have been born as an ashtray on a motorbike.
Justice and the protection of the liberties of your citizens. You are having a fu**ng laugh.

02-24-2011, 09:43 PM
I see this fraud is receiving more and more media coverage, which is well overdue.

Although Colin Thomas made himself bankrupt last year, we all know that's just a cover. Once the investigations have got into full swing they will no doubt see all the transfers that he made to his partner, and sources. To live in a mansion like he still does, means money is available somewhere.

If he was genuinely innocent he would of given his side of the story to the press and not through any third party.

Your day in court Colin will be with you soon.

02-28-2011, 07:45 PM
Check out article in The Burton Mail from 14th February.

03-03-2011, 06:08 PM
I have heard rumours that Mr. Thomas, Michelle and family are well advanced in their plans to move home down to Devon. Might be they are trying to find somewhere where they are not known!!

03-04-2011, 08:51 PM
They also have a house in aberdovey in wale

03-05-2011, 02:56 PM
Any news about the progress (or not) of Punta Perla in the Dominican Republic?

03-14-2011, 11:19 PM
is he renting then paid for by the taxpayerl? Thought he was bankrupt. Just whose names are these properites in?

03-18-2011, 07:33 PM
As recently reported in the national press lord lucan has recently been sighted riding shergar through the streets of madrid with ricardo miranda and prince albert in hot pursuit.Well done to sleeping beauty and the seven dwarfs especially dosey .Miranda must be laughing all the way to his various bank accounts whilst we pour another glass of self pity and do nothing about but post and post and post voiceless rubbish.

03-23-2011, 08:45 PM
I agree i know we have all missed the point taking any and every opportunnity to dump it all onto ocean view and take our eye off miranda .Lets join the dots .
Estepona beach no land and no construction 395 horrndously affected people
Tafedna bay no land and no construction 100 horrendously affected people
Punta perla does not own the land he says 500 affected people ,no investment from the chinese he has to pay them to construct (read the contract on dominican watchdog web site) fairly obvious why would a builder pay to build.Prince Albert never was an investor or endorsed the project.Yet another letter sent out to us investors about more reasons why construction cannot start.Lie after lie and none of it coming from ocean view cos they are not around but i see they have been helping grant thornton according to gt creditor report doesnt sound like the action of bad people to me .Perhaps if we were more opened minded and listened we could have resolved this a lot quicker.Good luck to the irish and anthony flores and all the other law suits out that against miranda i just hope he has got some money to pay us.

03-26-2011, 12:09 AM
And so says the ex-ovp bods!!!!

03-26-2011, 12:16 AM
No.one.who.has dealt with ovp or.no doubt worked for them would defend them. They fucked.over so many people.

Ignacio Morillas
03-30-2011, 07:09 PM
Dear All,

For the attention of - OVP/Convenyancing UK victims.

As always with the administrator permission I would like to post the following message in connection the Colman Coyle Group Action Claim against CUK.

My name is Ignacio Morillas, I am a dual qualified Spanish Lawyer and English Solicitor. Some of you may be are aware of my input in this litigation case against CUK Solicitors.

I joined Colman Coyle solicitors because of their expertise in professional negligence claims, and Group actions. My intention with this move was that my client’s cases were pursued in a sensible fashion, as a group claim. This shall bring the benefit of economies of numbers to the case. This allows my clients to pursue their cases for a fraction of what they would otherwise have spent in legal costs if a case is pursued individually. Needless to say, it will also be useful as a negotiation tool with the defendant side. In group action claims in England, the defendant is aware that the matter is likely to be pursued all the way through court, unless a satisfactory settlement for the claimants’ interest is reached.

Current position:

• We are in contact with Crutes Solicitors (Defendant Solicitors) as to the Group action claim.
• Quinn indemnity meeting is now schedule for the 12th of April. If a positive decision is not obtained, then we propose to concentrate our initial efforts in resolving this issue.
• We are in the process of forming a committee so that the group’s legal costs in pursuing their cases can be substantially reduced.
• We intend to form the group shortly.

Should you would like to obtain further information in connection with the above, please do not hesitate to contact Ignacio Morillas on 00 44 (0)20 7704 3443 or email him at Ignacio.morillas@colmancoyle.com

Alternatively please, you can find our link website specialist in professional negligence cases by googleing negligence advice london colman coyle.

You will note there is an article in there named. “A Dream Home Abroad: “Why Did Everything Go So Wrong for so Many?”

I believe that unfortunately some of the elements featured in such an article may ring some bells to some of you.

Best wishes to all and, thank you again to the administrator of this forum for letting us make this contribute.

Ignacio Morillas-Paredes
Colman Coyle

04-05-2011, 02:28 PM
Can anyone help and assist in finding out Lesley Albericis contact details.

If anyone has her contact details please send them over.

Kind Regards

Ignacio Morillas
04-08-2011, 04:55 PM
I tried to serve proceeding upon her, some 16 moths ago to no avail.

I do not have any reason that may lead me to believe that the situation has now changed.

I would be grateful if you could let me know if you heard otherwise.

Kind regards.

Ignacio Morillas
Solicitor & Abogado (Spanish Lawyer)

04-18-2011, 11:02 PM
I have tried to contact the address at 150 Aldridge address and there is no one there, i will try and contact the coleshill address.

If anyone can help me obtain a mobile or office number for her I would be really grateful.

Kind Regards

04-26-2011, 10:05 PM
Does anybody know how the meeting went on the 12th April with Quinn Insurance?

06-07-2011, 11:19 AM
Light at the end of a very long tunnel. Yesterday friends of ours who had the sense to use a solicitor for their purchase on Estepona Beach received notification that they will be receiving their deposit and the additional interest that they have lost. The professional negligence claim has been settled before any court action. As you can imagine they were in very high spirits yesterday and very relieved.
They have to sign a disclaimer and this prevents them from discussing the details of their claim.

This is positive news and means that errors have been made by the solicitors that were used when purchasing on Estepona. For those of us that stupidly did not use a solicitor, we have a strong case against the directors of OVP and Ricardo Miranda who seem to have gone very quiet at the moment. This route will take time I'm sure, but I firmly believe that justice will be done.

06-22-2011, 01:52 AM
To the above poster, can I have a confidential chat regarding the above, may be able to help with info. tel no 07841449177

06-28-2011, 08:21 PM
both these men have swindled money out of the public (Name removed upon request) who works with thomas has also taken money of people for propertys that dont exitst his company is call Advantage international properties advantage bulgarian homes shall i go on! a name for all seasons.
they work together in swindling charities out of millions a year by means of clothing collections! credit card deals you name it they are into it.
I pity any poor human being who comes into contact with these two men and their cronies were is the justice in this world!!!!!

Wow.... if this is true.... its very dangerous..... whatever... people write in forums a lot of gossip... so maybe you can give some real probes about this xxxx xxxx .... happened to me... people gossip about me in the internet.. and its was complety wrong!!!!!

07-03-2011, 12:22 PM
Wow.... if this is true.... its very dangerous..... whatever... people write in forums a lot of gossip... so maybe you can give some real probes about this (Name removed upon request) .... happened to me... people gossip about me in the internet.. and its was complety wrong!!!!!

xxx works at stoke doing the clothing

07-04-2011, 05:14 PM
I also see that Thomas's son Max is helping front the scam In Stoke as a manager.

07-04-2011, 05:22 PM
Having read the report from the Insolvency Service regarding Colin Thomas, I am in a state of shock and surely criminal proceedings in the UK cannot be far behind this report.
He traded the company insolvent from October 2003 and personally benefited from the company to the tune of £13,829,000.
I think jail is beckoning for Mr. Thomas and hopefully a proceeds of crime order will soon follow and therefore his family will be destroyed just like he has destroyed so many other families.
Her is to final justice.

07-05-2011, 12:33 PM
Are you able to post a link to this report please?

07-05-2011, 12:37 PM

07-06-2011, 04:22 PM
There you go......http://www.insolvency.gov.uk/databases/ddirector/viewdisqdirectorcasedetails2.asp?compno=04944203

You will be shocked in the outcome of the report, Colin Thomas's greed and the failure of the company's auditors to bring this to the authorities attention.

07-06-2011, 04:43 PM
For those of you that are interested, Mike Blades has just opened his second pub. Guess where? The Red Lion, Longdon Green, next door to the scene of the crime, Longdon Hall.

These people have no scruples, he has bought the very pub in which all the bosses of OVP used to retire to every evening, laughing and joking at everyones expense, planning how they would spend their windfalls.

07-06-2011, 06:01 PM
Not really just want my money back and mindless postings do not help .If a crime had been committed then the official reciever has a duty to report it to the relevant authoritys and they clearly have not.I am told by grant thornton that the claim bought against thomas and others has been settled. Impossible if a crime had been committed grant thornton could not accept payment from the proceeds of a crime.They have a fiduciary duty to us to report any wrong doing to the authoritys as well .So unfortunately thats the insolvency service and grant thornton who both say the same thing.
No crime committed
My focus is clearly against the developer Ricardo Miranda who has decieved all on estepona beach, tafedna bay and punta perla.My lawyers have unbelievable documents on the depth of the decception and have launched action in spain .It is a pity that more of us did not get together.Mind you reading some of the post by morons{ex ov i would imagine} on this site it is no wonder.

07-06-2011, 08:53 PM
Thanks for.the link. Truly shocking. How can this go unpunished. He must be punished

07-06-2011, 09:23 PM
Not really just want my money back and mindless postings do not help .If a crime had been committed then the official reciever has a duty to report it to the relevant authoritys and they clearly have not.I am told by grant thornton that the claim bought against thomas and others has been settled. Impossible if a crime had been committed grant thornton could not accept payment from the proceeds of a crime.They have a fiduciary duty to us to report any wrong doing to the authoritys as well .So unfortunately thats the insolvency service and grant thornton who both say the same thing.
No crime committed
My focus is clearly against the developer Ricardo Miranda who has decieved all on estepona beach, tafedna bay and punta perla.My lawyers have unbelievable documents on the depth of the decception and have launched action in spain .It is a pity that more of us did not get together.Mind you reading some of the post by morons{ex ov i would imagine} on this site it is no wonder.

They are saying "no crime committed", have you read the insolvency report? Of course there has been a crime committed and committed in the UK, not Spain.

07-10-2011, 01:21 PM
For those of you that are interested, Mike Blades has just opened his second pub. Guess where? The Red Lion, Longdon Green, next door to the scene of the crime, Longdon Hall.

These people have no scruples, he has bought the very pub in which all the bosses of OVP used to retire to every evening, laughing and joking at everyones expense, planning how they would spend their windfalls.

The locals are saying the red lion is over priced and not value for money, so he may well loose some money on this pub

07-11-2011, 07:41 PM
Loose some money on the pub?! I think all those high up within OVP shpuld lose everything they have got!

07-18-2011, 01:25 PM
The locals are saying the red lion is over priced and not value for money, so he may well loose some money on this pub

Nothing surprises me with Mike Blades. Next person in there pour a pint over his fat head for me would you please?

07-18-2011, 06:28 PM
No wonder no authority will take us seriously with idiotic postings as above.Why cant you muppets post somewhwere else you are not helping.It is quite clear from grant thornton they have now finished with there investigation work and most of us are not creditors of ocean view.I have read the insolvency comments and looking at similiar directors on there web site there must be more to this.Why was not ricardo miranda mentoned as the developer because he is responsible he has built nothing anywhere punta perla estepona beach or morocco.Why is he still swanning around.I know have written this off do not see what else to do.I only wish i had used a lawyer as he /she would have either advised me not to do it but if they had i would be sueing them now.

07-19-2011, 06:09 PM
sadly these comments are not the reason why there is no action. I'm afraid they were too clever perhaps? However, I think the problem lies in that it is too easy to get away with what they did. Ok, being bankrupt (is thie just the main man? anyone know about the others involved) and being disqualifed as a director is one thing, but this is not enough. How are you getting on then with the police? It seems to have got nowhere. I have not spoken to Staff Police for a while on this. I know they stole my money and were supposed to keep it safe, but really I don't think the evidence is there or is it?

07-20-2011, 07:35 PM
Bankcrupt in name only!! At this very moment, extensive refurbishment and modernisation works are being carried out and have been for the last six months at his home in Yoxall. The work carried out is apparently amazing and is all being done in preperation for the property to be sold as one of the premier homes in Staffordshire.
They then plan on moving to something quite substantial in Devon.
I have also heard he is buying his son Max his own home as the poor thing doesn't want to move South.
Bankcrupt?! You are having a laugh, or should I say he is!
For God's sake do something.

07-21-2011, 09:50 AM
Ok, I will be speaking with Staff Police. But you seem to know much so you need to di this, speak with the Insolvancy service and also Grant Thornton

07-29-2011, 08:24 PM
On Monday this week my husband and I finished negotiations with the solicitor that we used for our purchase on Estepona. Luckily we have received back the monies that we paid to Oceanview in full. We now wish to try and get our lives back in order, we lost our house last year through defaulting on the mortgage and my husband is suffering from severe depression due to the worry that has been caused by Oceanview. We would like to continue our fight to ensure that the people behind Oceanview get exactly what they deserve, but just do not have the energy and the focus now is my husbands health.
We are putting all of this behind us now and urge anybody that used solicitors to investigate negligence, which is what paid off for us. We pray that you all get a satisfactory conclusion.

08-01-2011, 10:21 AM
Well done on your success - can you recommend a good solicitor?

08-04-2011, 01:51 AM
Which solicitor did you win your case against. Initials will do. I am suing my solicitor for neglience and i could do with a confidence boost because I am fighting this on my own and I am afraid of high costs if i loose. Was it JO or CUK you won against.

PS hope your husband gets better soon.

08-18-2011, 05:55 PM
I started this post in 2008 I have suffered severe debt lost our home and savings the lot ! and ended up being put up by friends until i could get my/our life back on track at least a little . Still with severe debt If anyone can contact help me particularly the people who managed to get their funds returned . We used JO who had placed extra safeguards on our deposit (he said) that the funds would be safe. He had negotiated in 2008 a refund to be paid monthly which OVP never followed. If those people could tell me, who they got the funds from ! and who, how to pursue it ! It would help us partly recover and clear some of our debts. Let me know and I,ll Private message you.

08-19-2011, 11:16 AM
There is no private message facility here is there? Try posting the query on Eye on Spain under Estepona Beach and Country Club and you can do private messaging there.

08-19-2011, 12:03 PM
There is no private message facility here is there? Try posting the query on Eye on Spain under Estepona Beach and Country Club and you can do private messaging there.

Hello Joey123. Welcome back. In answer to your question, yes, there is private messaging, you only have to register. This facility is not available for unregistered users.

BTW, for the sake of transparency, I have changed your previous 154 posts into your nick, as you never know who is behind the 'Unregistered' nick, or what their true motives are.


08-29-2011, 08:04 PM
Bankcrupt in name only!! At this very moment, extensive refurbishment and modernisation works are being carried out and have been for the last six months at his home in Yoxall. The work carried out is apparently amazing and is all being done in preperation for the property to be sold as one of the premier homes in Staffordshire.
They then plan on moving to something quite substantial in Devon.
I have also heard he is buying his son Max his own home as the poor thing doesn't want to move South.
Bankcrupt?! You are having a laugh, or should I say he is!
For God's sake do something.

Where have you found this information, are you close with the family?

09-29-2011, 11:36 AM
As requested, I can help you Paul. Please get in touch asap. Try not to lose hope just yet... :) x

10-24-2011, 12:00 PM
Morning. I heard that Miranda was due in court in Madrid last week. Has anybody heard any update following his appearance? Seems to of all gone very quiet.

10-24-2011, 03:20 PM
Below are responses to an email requesting an update:

1. Miranda`s lawyer submitted a motion to suspend the hearing arguing that he has not been served the correct documentation by the Courts. The Judge accepted it and suspended the appearance, on the following Monday. Because the Court was on duty on Sunday (24h), and as a result of the Court official taking a day off on Monday, he only served us on Tuesday and we did not get it on time, hence our wasted trip. This is unusual, to say the least, but not unheard of: the problem is when one needs to travel.

2. There is no change in the Court case, and it will not avert him from having to come again. The Judge was in fact ready for the interrogation (as he only does this on Wednesdays).

3. Miranda has to be appear in Court, and he will be cross-examined thoroughly, and the Court is keen to proceed with the case. It is a large case with a media component and the Judge is naturally under more pressure, and has already suffered some delays.

4. This is rather strange and these individuals are being accused and are not mere witnesses. If this is the case, however, we would be present in the Courts in the UK to cross-examine them. I am not clear about how would the Judge and Prosecutor deal with this but as I say, I find that the Court official was probably thinking as them declaring in a capacity as witnesses.

5. The fact that the hearing was suspended means that the paperwork was not delivered to him correctly. If he fails to turn up next time and has no valid excuse (only grave disease can be used as a reason to not appear in Court), the Court may issue and search and arrest warrant.

As far as the Courts are concerned, this is surely seen as a delaying tactic, even if he may have had a valid excuse. When you are summoned by criminal Courts and you have nothing to hide, you make sure that you declare as fast as possible so as to get it out of the way soon. To the extent that Miranda’s lawyer used this trivial excuse, no matter how rightful the petition was from a procedural point of view, the general feeling is that he does not want to get into the substance of the matter, as he presumably has no genuine excuses and is afraid to be confronted by lawyers, the Judge and a Prosecutor.

10-25-2011, 10:35 AM
So if Miranda is found guilty how does this effect those who lost their money? Can they try to recover funds from him?

11-03-2011, 02:38 PM
So what happened, did Miranda finally show up at court?

12-01-2011, 03:00 AM
Hi Sam I,am registered now I started this post in 2008 but could not find details but I think I never registered online. Still in serious serious debt. If you can help could be useful we never think now about that as we,ve had so many promises over the years.

12-01-2011, 03:13 AM
Well everyone started this post in 2008 now we are about to enter 2012 (1 month left) our position has only got worse over the last 4 years and C T and XXX and co, still plays a smart game (for now). So if those who offered before really can help in some way let me know.


12-01-2011, 11:04 AM
Hi Paul.

If you'd like you can give me a ring on my mobile; 07916893078.



12-05-2011, 09:50 PM
I will give y
Hi Paul.

If you'd like you can give me a ring on my mobile; 07916893078.

Thanks, I will give you a call SAM
I notice not so many posts now maybe these guys think we,ve all forgotten about it NOT . Where all the these guys are really good guys and their supporters gone now ! time will always out the truth !


03-11-2012, 12:57 AM
Just read that Colin Thomas has been called to appear it court inSpain- article on eyeonspain and Burton news

03-16-2012, 01:25 PM
well that is good news - money aside, it might lead to the truth someday especially as the UK Police are not interested. well done all involved. I hope it leads to a succcessful outcome.

03-21-2012, 11:26 AM
My husband and I have been very pleased to read the above, it looks as though the wrong is gradually being put right. We were lucky on our Estepona purchase as our solicitor held the money and did not release to Oceanview due to land ownership issues. However friends of ours have not been so lucky and I'm sure like many they have been through a terrible time over recent years. Luck was on their side last month and they received the full deposit back from their solicitor after raising a negligence claim.
We will continue to follow the progress in Spain and looking forward to seeing those responsible brought to justice. Good luck to all who are still fighting.

03-22-2012, 01:33 AM
To the last poster. Can you text me ur mobile. My mobile number is 07841449177. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Every total confidential. Really need the help. Thanks.

03-22-2012, 05:36 PM
There does seem to be movement in the EBCC development using the negligence claim against the solicitors used. Where doubtless more and more details will emerge in the coming days.

It has taken a while but finally the legal process is catching up to the fact that numerous solicitors failed in their professional capacity to properly advise on the EBCC contracts (and developments like it)

So everyone keep their chins up!! and could people please post details of successes up here, as and when they occur, as the information could prove invaluable to ongoing cases, solicitors used etc

03-22-2012, 07:35 PM
Actually this is just a quick shout out to the couple who posted a couple of posts above as well, as I am part of an action group suing a solicitor that we believe has been negliglent over the EBCC develeopment. So it would be EXTREMELY useful to have (if possible) the name of the solicitor you mention above that did not release the funds, as i believe this solicitor was not superhuman in his abilities, but just doing his job properly. And that my solicitor should have done the same, but she didnt, and was therefore negligent (i believe)

So if you felt comfortable passing on the name of your solicitor to me by posting a message to me or on posting here you will have the satisfaction of knowing that it could potentially help others get their funds returned

alsojust to confirm I will not contact the soliticormyself, but pass it on to mine, Ignacio Morillas at Colman Coyle, orif you could contact iganico with the details that also would be fine if you were concernced about passing solicitor info to mere mortal lay personslike me!

many thanks

03-23-2012, 10:48 AM
anyone looking to sue for negligence must know there is a 6 year staututory time limit for making claims from the time of the advice (I think).

03-23-2012, 11:27 AM
The group in Spain seem to be making good progress also. Good to hear positive news for a change.

03-29-2012, 06:10 PM
As expected, that silly lying cow of Virginia Mateos did not turn up in Court first time round. Clearly her palm has been conveniently greased by thieving corrupt Miranda

04-04-2012, 08:04 AM
Another success story. Read on another forum that a solicitor in Plymouth has been successful in court against the solicitor. Awarded damages also and now waiting for the money.

04-04-2012, 04:35 PM
which forum please?


04-04-2012, 08:30 PM
The article mentioned above is on the eye on Spain website.

04-17-2012, 07:54 PM
All seems to of gone quiet on the forum. I've had various discussions today with contacts I have made over recent years and the best route it seems will be to continue with professional negligence claims. Many cases have already been settled outside of court, and this in itself highlights the fact that nobody should ever have received recommendation to proceed with Estepona.
Has anybody got any news on the Spanish court case that has been mentioned?

04-18-2012, 12:37 AM
All seems to of gone quiet on the forum. I've had various discussions today with contacts I have made over recent years and the best route it seems will be to continue with professional negligence claims. Many cases have already been settled outside of court, and this in itself highlights the fact that nobody should ever have received recommendation to proceed with Estepona.
Has anybody got any news on the Spanish court case that has been mentioned?

We moved to Spain on the understanding we would live a NEW life with all our savings in OVP and through the Torquay OVP representatives we placed further deposits in Spain as well as Estepona Beach all with J O the OVP lawyer (in latter years) and acting on our behalf. I started this post years ago but came back broken from Spain 1.5 years ago.
Can anyone message me my personal email is paulnali@googlemail.com if YOU really can help us.
I know this will alert some parties to our identity but we have nothing to loose now. The only other option has been offered by unscrupulous people but we don,t want to get to their level Although becomming much more tempting.

04-18-2012, 11:00 AM
last posted - please post a landline tel no you can be reached on

04-18-2012, 07:56 PM
Hi Have heard this afternoon off our solicitors Quinn have refused indemnity and the Dwf(Crutes)will. No longer be acting for them.Cant believe this,apparantley have come up with no reasons why Leslie Alberici and partner have not been indemnified,but reading that SDT report there did not seem to be any mention of fraud,
Also people who won there case with the legal complaints service £15000,are also not being paid out by Quinns.
Surely they should not be allowed to get away with this,and people who are awaiting an outcome,we should get together and retaliate against this decision,especially as we have had no reasons.
Quinns you are out of order here,pay up,or you will find that you will certainly not be getting a good name in the uk,not that you have one anyhow!

04-19-2012, 09:37 AM
To the previous poster, my legal knowledge is not the best but are you saying the case has been to court, you won and they are refusing to pay? I would imagine legally they wouldnt have a leg to stand on if that's the case. Too many people have already had success, so those who haven't should not give up, continue the fight!

04-19-2012, 04:44 PM
Hi No it has not been to court,altough one person as been paid out on a test case,After the the full report came out from. The solicitors disciplanary tribunal,there was no mention of fraud,so they have just said they are not indemnifying Aberici and that no further correspondence will be entered into.
Our solicitors have passed this information on to us,and of course it has caused a lot of negativity.
Our solicitors has wrote to Quinns looking for explanations.Anyone know anything else,I know there are quite a few solicitors involved in this,surely they can all get there heads together on this one.
And yes I agree,let's get them in court.

Any comments will be welcome

04-19-2012, 05:53 PM
Ok, surely now then your solicitor will just issue proceedings against Alberci and get your money through the courts. That is my understanding. Is Alberci still working as a solicitor? I know there are lots that have received their money through out of court settlements, they have also signed confidentiality agreements which prevents them discussing with others. The professional negligence route is the best way forward for most, but there is also a Spanish solicitor that is taking the OVP directors and Miranda through the courts in Spain.

04-19-2012, 06:16 PM
XX is Bankrupt,so that's a waste of time.ithikwe have to fight on with this and not just accept Quinns decision,she did not do her job correctly as a solicitor,signed herself as a solicitor,and did not give us. Correct legal information,surely the Law Society should intervene with this.

04-19-2012, 06:57 PM
XX is Bankrupt,so that's a waste of time.ithikwe have to fight on with this and not just accept Quinns decision,she did not do her job correctly as a solicitor,signed herself as a solicitor,and did not give us. Correct legal information,surely the Law Society should intervene with this.

Grant Thornton were the administrators of Quin insurance prior to its sale out of administration to its new owners charging 400k euros fee a month and 1.5 mill when it was sold.They would have been part of the process in judging on these cases.

04-19-2012, 08:49 PM
Very baffling the way they was bought into these two operations,especially as I know Butcher Woods were the first people bought into OVP as the liquidators,then suddenly Quinn going into administration
Grant Thornton became involved with this operation as well definatley food for thought.
Many people wll not let this lie,to much money has gone missing and spent out with various lawyers ,trying to recover hard earned money,also Spain have got a lot to answer too has well,they could never be trusted again,regarding property developments,especially as so many people have been let down and conned

04-22-2012, 05:00 PM
Does CT sill live in his big house in Yoxhall or has he moved to social housing on benefits as a bankrupt? Any news on the others either?

04-24-2012, 02:52 PM
Just hope someone has strung them all up from the top right down to XXX XXX and his cronies
,hopefully they will not be allowed to get away with what they have done,they have robbed every hard working person,who hoped to make a little good with there pension money or a little spare equity in there homes,we are one family who are now really struggling,and have done for the last few years,since all this blew up in our faces.
First thing it as taught Us,never trust anyone again,even a solicitor!
I hope they all go to prison for a very long time,and yes there partners should also take some blame as well,what's it like spending money that truly does not belong to you,the next pound you spend or invest,think about the people who you have robbed it from.
Always remember has my parents instilled in me,money that you have not worked hard for,will never bring you any happiness.

04-27-2012, 01:14 PM
how funny, they still watch the forums like a hawk ( I am assuming)! "Posting edited!"

Not guilty?

04-27-2012, 10:44 PM
Well they certainly wont be able to hide when they are in the Madrid courts!

Both Miranda and the OVP gang in the courts....oh this will be very interesting! Why dont you all just tell the truth and save the humiliation you are going to be faced with in court. The money has gone somewhere and we are getting closer to finding out exactly where.

What they need to remember is that we will never give up our fight so if they are looking for a quiet life and keen to put the Estepona Beach and Country 'Con' behind them , they really are living in a cuckoo world!!

04-29-2012, 03:50 PM
If these lot are due to appear in court in Madrid,then what have GT been doing and Staffordshire Police,
I never even received a final summary from GT when they finally came to there findings,also them sorting out Quinn Insnurance (In Administration)surely this should never be allowed whichever way you look at it having GT involved with OVP And Quinn Insurance (Miss Alberici,indemnity insurers) is not a good out look for any of us.

04-29-2012, 06:28 PM
I don't understand this either. The sums involved are huge. GT seemed to take the view that the EBCC people were not creditors of OVP (well we never were as the money was not supposed to form part of the company's assets). It stinks! We need to regain our stength and call GT for a meeting as well as the police.

The police seem to investigage matters involving lessor amounts, or involving high profile cases, but we have been well and truly let down and as a taxpayer and lifelong citizen of the country it would be nice to be treated better. GT seems to have been fobbed of and given up - but they a commercial orgainisation, I think this is part of the problem. However, I do not hear from then anymore. Why are GT reporting to the police? They are not the police.

Any thoughts?

05-01-2012, 01:14 AM
I agree we should call GT and the police to a meeting - I have followed this site with great interest- we lost a lot of money Mr A. S was still trying to get us to invest even though OVP was going into administration He must have known!
Someone must be responsible for all our losses and the money must be in someones assets. I have never heard anything from GT and they are aware of our situation>

05-01-2012, 09:24 AM
I completely agree with the last couple of posts, but trying to organise it ourselves will be difficult because nobody trusts anybody on these sites. What we need is a firm that can organise a meeting with investors being contacted. There must be a list of all those impacted somewhere. Not all investors use sites like this or even the Internet so they would not of been as informed as we have been. I would like to see a central meeting arranged with a firm or company who are willing to highlight the errors of GT, Fraud office, police and the MP's that have already been made aware of this large scale fraud. Any point in contacting BBC1 or any of the TV programmes that investigate these kind of scams??

Anymore thoughts or suggestions?

05-02-2012, 10:01 AM
no-one has the time, money or energy left I dont think. Perhaps ask Ted Jeory who did work on this or the Sunday Express who were running the stories. They might help run a story? The police should have dealt with this. I wish this were not the case. A meeting should be held

Anonyous & LulzMonkey
05-18-2012, 04:55 PM
I've been going through as much as this as I can but can anyone bring me up to speed with...
Where customers stand
The owners of OVP
and what other information I should know trying to draw a picture.

I already know a lot information that I wont share for there protection nothing of importance that people need to know neither police or Mets

Just bring me up to speed.

05-19-2012, 11:24 AM
Customers - buggered
OVP - laughing - I expect
Police - not interested

We should try to get the police to be interested again - it is so wrong what they did

05-30-2012, 01:43 AM
Where have you found this information, are you close with the family?

get your facts right max is buying his own house and knows nothing of his fathers fraud

06-01-2012, 09:58 AM
The locals are saying the red lion is over priced and not value for money, so he may well loose some money on this pub

In case you didn't know, The Red Lion closed about two weeks ago. I saw two police cars outside.
Turns out the bailiffs were called in. Mikes Blades had not been paying his rent. What can you say..

06-01-2012, 06:02 PM
Dont know Mike Blades but glad anyone at a top level of OVP suffers. They deverve to suffer. OVP stole my money. They knew the truth.

06-05-2012, 06:30 PM
get your facts right max is buying his own house and knows nothing of his fathers fraud

Of course Max knows what is going on, he works for his Dad!!!

06-12-2012, 12:34 PM
Has anybody heard what happened in the Madrid courts, I understood that Miranda and the OVP gang were due to give answers??

06-24-2012, 11:34 PM
I've not heard anything about the court appearance. I'm guessing it never happened. Their time will come though, the truth always comes out in the end!

07-02-2012, 10:45 PM
Of course Max knows what is going on, he works for his Dad!!!

you know a lot about the family

07-03-2012, 11:36 PM
Dear Antonio.
With regards to the case against Estepona site, how is the case progressing? It seems to have gone very quiet on the blog.

07-04-2012, 12:30 AM
And what is happening with Punta Perla in the Dominican Republic?

07-04-2012, 10:36 AM
Dear Antonio.
With regards to the case against Estepona site, how is the case progressing? It seems to have gone very quiet on the blog.

Neither of the defedants appeared in Court, arguing that they were ill. However, they have formally registered with the Courts and are now due to appear in September, on the request of the Judge. THe Judge seeems to be taking this matter very seriously now, so I've heard. Perhaps Antonio or Luis can clarify.

07-04-2012, 02:03 PM
Great! Someone said the truth will come out. I now have some hope that it will!

07-17-2012, 12:38 PM
Is there any update from the Spanish case??

07-17-2012, 01:02 PM
Or Grant thornton?

07-21-2012, 08:30 AM
Is Antonio Flores still involved with the Spanish case? Not seen anything on his blog for quite some time about Miranda/OVP etc.

08-09-2012, 09:00 AM
you may want to try posting on the eye on Spain website. this forum doesn't seem to be in use anymore.

08-09-2012, 02:58 PM
This forum is fully active, but understandably, we cannot publicly provide information on the ongoing criminal being the acting lawyers for most of the claimants. This entails that whilst our clients are given regular updates, we can post such emails on this thread.

The forum EyeonSpain is a rather legal-gossip platform and thus will be of little help for anyone looking for specific information.

08-09-2012, 06:54 PM
Dear Antonio.
Are you still able to take on more clients? I believe that there are several of us that are not getting very far in Uk?

08-10-2012, 11:31 AM
Dear Antonio.
Are you still able to take on more clients? I believe that there are several of us that are not getting very far in Uk?

We are taking on clients but in respect to Punta Perla, we are waiting for the Court to make a pronouncement in respect of jurisdiction.

08-14-2012, 06:15 PM
We invested in Estepona, in order to join your group action would we just need to call your offices?

08-15-2012, 07:10 PM
Yes, if you call on the 23rd August Wednesday, as Anabel is back and will be able to process your request and provide you with formal engagement instructions
We invested in Estepona, in order to join your group action would we just need to call your offices?

08-16-2012, 09:45 PM
Great, many thanks. My partner is working away until end of next week. We will discuss and get into contact in the next couple of weeks.

08-26-2012, 09:18 PM
Do Lawbird offer a no win no fee arrangement like some of the other solicitors?

08-27-2012, 09:22 AM
Do Lawbird offer a no win no fee arrangement like some of the other solicitors?

We are currently not offering this type of legal fee arrangement, strictly speaking. However, we are only requesting a fraction of the statutory fee upfront, the balance to be paid on success.

08-27-2012, 10:55 AM
Thank you for a quick response. Should the case not be successful how much would the costs be? We have been left in a terrible financial following our purchase of Estepona so incurring high costs is something that we can't really afford.

08-27-2012, 12:25 PM
It would appear that most investors in the UK have given up the fight. Don't give up in fighting for what has been stolen from you. We are in the same situation, not endless funds to fight these criminals but we are constantly looking into new ways of highlighting the crime that has been committed. Contact the press, bombard your MP with emails/letters. This story needs more publicity. Keep fighting and hopefully our money can be returned and Colin Thomas & Ricardo Miranda get the time inside that they deserve! There is too much at stake to just accept this crime!

08-28-2012, 12:16 PM
how can I connect with the last poster to see what we can do?

08-28-2012, 12:21 PM
how can I connect with the last poster to see what we can do?

Neither of you are registered, so perhaps you can leave your contact details (e.g. phone number or email address), and wait to see if this person wishes to get in touch with you. Regarding email address, please use some sort of obfuscation to avoid email harvesters and spam (e.g. email at [example] dot com)

09-10-2012, 06:23 PM
So what is the official, up to date, view from Grant thornton? Any one know?

10-24-2012, 09:24 PM
The truth is OVP as an agent or developer had a duty of care to all their investors, to do extensive due diligence on all projects they sold and the companies and individuals associated, greed replaced intelligence.

It is not difficult to check whether the person claiming they own the land and or development actually does! OVP and all associated knew what they were doing from day one, they committed large scale fraud diverting funds to a offshore trust held in Gibraltar, all information already passed to Staffordshire Police, evidently gone no further?

CT although declared Bankrupt is by no means not, he orchestrated a fraud on a massive scale, you do not lose £14 million taken illegally from your insolvent company, how can they blame Miranda when they should have checked him out vigorously in the first place?

11-22-2012, 04:35 PM
If you were sold this product via a financial adviser regulated by the Financial Services Authority. We would be keen to speak with you. We have experience in property collapses of this kind ( http://citywire.co.uk/new-model-adviser/advisers-face-12m-claim-over-property-investment-failure/a607994 ) and we will be best placed to assist.

Happy to work on a no-win/no-fee agreement, however in the first instance, please e-mail Michael Cotter (lawyer) with a narrative and background of your situation.

Michael Cotter
Regulatory Legal Solicitors


12-29-2012, 12:04 PM
Blimely, lots of money missing in the (final?) report from GT. Massive claims on several OVP people - very little returned. c£26m of claims settled for c£500k??? Not a very satisfactory position. Now free to get on with their lives. Nice! Pension pots given up? Has anyone seen a statement of where the actual money went, rather than monies realised to offset liquidators fee? Very concerned about the justice here. I need to think this through. Can anyone explain? Was it just spent on running OVP and directors etc lifestyles? How can money not belonging to them be spent?

12-30-2012, 09:04 PM
Yes I too need to read this report again and try and get some advice from someone who understands this kind of thing.

Did I read correctly that Grant Thornton have so far charged 1 million for their work???

I think the whole things has been shocking, especially the way it has been handled here in the UK.
I just hope they get exactly what they deserve through the Spanish Court case being lead by Antonio Flores. I'm confident that they will!

12-31-2012, 07:55 PM
why is it that GT etc do not think they have done anything wrong? I am baffled. This needs to be re-raised with Staffordshire Police. It is a massive deficit. There are so many people who are out of pocket on this it is untrue.

I am not sure what you expected regarding GT's fees. I am not surprised. But they have a shortfall big shortfall against what is available.

Not pleased. Not surprised. Not giving up.

01-01-2013, 06:34 PM
It sounds to me that the GT investigation is not finished yet. I guess this is the annual update?

The police have certainly made a massive error here....

01-12-2013, 08:25 AM
Can anyone tell me how to contact Antonio Flores as I too invested in Estepona and I would like to know if I can join action being taken

01-13-2013, 11:34 PM
Antonio normally replies to posts on here. So you will probably get a response this week. Does anybody know how the Spanish court case is going? I'd imagine the guys behind OVP, Ricardo Miranda etc are dreading the day this case hits the courts. I know one thing for sure, we will all get great satisfaction in seeing the truth come out and punishments issued.

01-14-2013, 03:40 PM
Antonio normally replies to posts on here. So you will probably get a response this week. Does anybody know how the Spanish court case is going? I'd imagine the guys behind OVP, Ricardo Miranda etc are dreading the day this case hits the courts. I know one thing for sure, we will all get great satisfaction in seeing the truth come out and punishments issued.

You can contact us for further information in relation to how this case is going. In fact, there is very important information to be released in relation to the Judge that was dealing with the case.

For more information, you can contact Anabel at anabelatlawbird.com

04-10-2013, 09:15 AM
Has anybody heard if assets have been frozen for Ricardo Miranda? Surely he would be taking this time to hide our money?

Also is it possible to follow the progress of Lawbird/Antonio through Facebook?

08-14-2013, 12:44 PM
Is this forum still live??? Not seen any updates/progress for a long time.

09-05-2013, 10:16 AM
I think you will find most people have given up on this. Some are in independent legal groups, some are in the Irish legal action group. But if you want updates I guess you need to be part of the action group. I very much there are too many seeking updates these days

09-06-2013, 10:38 AM
I think you will find most people have given up on this. Some are in independent legal groups, some are in the Irish legal action group. But if you want updates I guess you need to be part of the action group. I very much there are too many seeking updates these days

Below is an email sent by Lawbird Legal Services on the 7th of May 2013

Last Friday we filed at the Criminal Courts of Madrid the extension of our criminal lawsuit against the former owners of the “Paraiso Tropical”, Ignacio Coronado Ruz (brother of the former Judge dealing with our case), Andres Leitor y Carlos Sanches (these two last defendants also involved in the famous corruption case of the Costa del Sol known as “Operacion Malaya”).

We have also submitted a new communication to the court requesting further evidences and researches (some of them were already requested before but we never received any reply from the Court), such as:

* Statement of the legal representatives of OCEAN VIEW
* Request of a report from the police regarding money laundry of all the defendants
* Reports and paperwork from the company who is administering OCEAN VIEW , this is “GRANT THORNTON UK LLP”
* Copy of the report of CAIXA regarding irregular bank transfers of the defendants
* Resolución del gobierno provincial de la Brithish Colombia (Canada) prohiendo a Ricardo Miranda y a PARAISO TROPICAL la comercialización en su territorio de la promoción “PUNTA PERLA”.

We also requested on Friday some precautionary measures, some of these were requested a long time ago, but again we never received any answer from the Court:

* Request of payment of a bond for the amounts claimed to Ricardo Miranda and the rest of the defendants
* Request so that Ricardo Miranda is held in pretrial custody if he fails to pay the bond
* Freeze the properties owned by Paraiso Tropical in Dominican Republic

Also, I travelled yesterday to Madrid to have a meeting with the new appointed Judge, who is now going to deal with our case following the recusal of the previous Judge Mr. Coronado as he is the brother of one of the defendants of our case. The meeting was, on one side to introduce me to the new judge, as this is always important, and also to make him aware that we were concerned because of how the previous Judge had dealt with out case. We also requested him to urgently agree with the precautionary measures we had requested with regards to freezing goods and assets of the defendants, and in general, to expedite our case, as there have been many unjustified delays. The Judge showed his empathy for what had happened and committed to do his best to deal with our case urgently, however, he also pointed out the workload of his Court (he is the Judge of the court number 43 of Madrid and has been appointed to deal with this case because of the recusal). My thoughts about this Judge are positive and I think that he is going to do his job correctly and I have no doubts of this because of his honorability.

Finally, please note that the provisionally, the Judge has fixed a date for the three administrators of OCEAN VIEW to appear at the Court (they were already summoned to attend but it was cancelled when we filed our recusal report). The new dates are 27th and 28th June. In the meantime we expect to receive any notification with regards to the documents we filed at the court last Friday and which we have explained above.

As usual, we will contact you as soon as we receive any news from the Courts.

09-06-2013, 10:39 AM
I think you will find most people have given up on this. Some are in independent legal groups, some are in the Irish legal action group. But if you want updates I guess you need to be part of the action group. I very much there are too many seeking updates these days

Below is an email sent by Lawbird Legal Services on the 6th of June 2013

Dear client,

The Court dealing with our case in Madrid has been made aware that a criminal action, similar to ours, was filed at the Courts of Marbella. This lawsuit was also against the same defendants. The Court of Marbella dealing with this new action was aware of our legal proceedings and agreed not to continue with this action and forward everything to the Court of Madrid, so that this Court deals with both actions together.

This is good news, as we have evidences that through different places and without coordination, there are actions against the same defendants and everything seems more believable.
The bad part of this is that until the new files arrives to the Courts of Madrid, the statement of the legal representatives of OCEAN VIEW which was fixed for tomorrow and Friday will be cancelled. At least they have contacted us before we were there.

Once the new file arrives, the new Judge will fix again the dates for the hearing including the lawyers of the new claimants.

We will keep you updated as soon as we receive any news regarding your case.

Kind regards,

10-01-2013, 05:54 PM
Hi Everyone,

I paid a deposit for a property in Estepona that was never built and have recently been in contact with a company called the Mortgage Claims Bureau who say they may be to help me depending on how I raised the deposit. They have told me that if I borrowed the money from a mortgage, pension, loan etc there may be a claim against the broker or lender.

I know a few others that are also speaking to them and have signed up and they tell me they are now representing over 100 OVP clients. I have been speaking to a Mick and Ben on 01903 868251.

Hope this helps

10-03-2013, 02:11 PM
Hi Everyone,

I paid a deposit for a property in Estepona that was never built and have recently been in contact with a company called the Mortgage Claims Bureau who say they may be to help me depending on how I raised the deposit. They have told me that if I borrowed the money from a mortgage, pension, loan etc there may be a claim against the broker or lender.

I know a few others that are also speaking to them and have signed up and they tell me they are now representing over 100 OVP clients. I have been speaking to a Mick and Ben on 01903 868251.

Hope this helps

I too lost money through OVP but how can a lender or broker be held responsible? Unless they lent you the money incorrectly - then you may have a separate claim.
Ambulance chasers springs to mind, run by similar people as the crooks at OVP I would hazard a guess.

10-03-2013, 11:45 PM
If you have lost money, you should be in contact with Lawbird. They are making good progress for a large number of estepona investors.

10-14-2013, 04:14 PM
"I too lost money through OVP but how can a lender or broker be held responsible? Unless they lent you the money incorrectly - then you may have a separate claim"

From what they have told me if the lender or broker have enabled me to get hold of the money from my mortgage or through a loan then this is irresponsible lending and poor advice. They said that in my case as I remortgaged my property to release the money and was advised to go from repayment to interest only as the OVP property would repay this in 3 years time then they should be repsonsible for this poor advice as the money was taken from a sound investment which was my mortgage.

They have told me they already have over 100 clients and are prepared to work on a no win no fee basis and that there is case law to back up these claims now. 'Emptage vs FSCS' was what they said had allowed them to move forward with these types of cases.

I am going to give them a try as I know a few others that have. They have also told me it will not effect my lawbird claim as that is against the developer in Spain and will have no bearing on this.

No harm in trying

Thanks for you help

Davy Dave
10-17-2013, 02:36 PM
If the Mortgage Claim Bureau can get my money back, then I'll invest again.

I'll buy in Spain an Apartment I don't like,

In an area I don't like,

To people I don't like.

Nothing can be worse than ovp.!!!

Davey Dave
10-19-2013, 12:06 PM
Dear LAWBIRD Lawyer,

1.The Completion Date for Phase 1 was 31st December 2007.When you went to Court, what extension of time did the Judge allow developer Manilva Costa, in order to complete the building works (although they were potentially already in Breach).Was it 3 months, 6 months etc.?

2.When you established in Court a commercial relationship between OVP and Manilva Costa, how much was it that OVP had
already transferred to Manilva Costa in Spain? Was it £17 million or something like that ?


Davey Dave

The Wuffer
10-21-2013, 03:23 PM
Dear All,

Having been away for a while,I need to catch up.Nine or ten years ago I paid £100.000 for a bogus piece of paper with OVP.I thought I had bought a property with a legal contract but sadly there was a third party who did not have the legal ''noggin'' to get it signed by Joe 90 the corrupt spanish developer.As I was often at Longdon Hall I could ask questions.XXXX XXXXXX was a complete nice gentleman to deal with in operations.Ha! and the'' proprietor'' would not even acknowledge me.Dave in IT was ok but there was a lot wrong with Public Schoolboy and Mr.Smooth, alias Smith and Jones.I told Public Schoolboy in a nice sort of a way not to thieve my money when he demanded 7%I.V.A.

On the plane to Spain with Public Schoolboy on board, going to his room in Spain,OVP were told more plainly by another Purchaser,''THIS IS A CON ISN'T IT ?'' The answer was ''THERES A SUCKER BORN EVERY MINUTE !'' - a good bit of reverse psychology when you believe OVP are going to thieve peoples money.

When you are told by ovp staff in 2004 ''OVP will be dead in the water after 2007....'' you begin to check their financial records!

When Public Schooboy( on your OVP VIDEO ) shouts out from his site cabin at the top of the GOM site, ''YOU HAVEN'T ASKED THE QUESTION.YOU HAVEN'T ASKED THE QUESTION? IS YOUR MONEY SAFE WITH US ?.IS YOUR MONEY SAFE WITH US? .YES IT IS !.YES IT IS.! WE HAVE A CRIMINAL INDEMNITY INSURANCE''- it seems to tell you OVP are going to ''take'' peoples money.I think it was PUBLIC SCHOOLBOY who gave it away for me.

Well Nigel was an ok guy and I wondered when he was going to find out when peoples money was being ''taken'' by ovp.Looking at all the paperwork lying around,I could see the names of all the people having their money ''taken''.Well Mr.Smooth did tell me ovp had an ''open door policy''.So I did visit -often.I just wish others before me at OVP had
raised the alarm across the country instead of being intimidated by PUBLIC SCHOOLBOY.All this seems just like- YESTERDAY!


10-23-2013, 09:21 PM
Very confused by the above post. Pls can you explain in clearer terms? Thanks

10-24-2013, 12:15 AM
Absolutely spot on, public schoolboy XXX knew exactly what he was doing, he had no morals whatsoever but covered hmself well.
I worked at Longdon Hall for too long with morons like him, horrible men and no care for staff, unless you were female and attractive and could be bought with a few designer handbags. I wasn't comfortable with that, it was a massive ego trip by him, CT and MB particularly. had a constant room held in the Kempinsky Hotel on Costa Del Sol that he only needed once a week at best.
Still believe though that lots of genuine workers like me believed the dream for clients was real as Nigels team were renting the built properties like Bel Air and Princess Kristina out really well and earning for the owners.
When wages started getting delayed and cash flow issues were mentioned I got out quick as they would have sold their grandmothers so I wasn't hanging around to work for nothing for those idiots.
I know some say on here that we were getting paid with their savings and their money but I can assure we didn't know that or realise that. Easy to say we must have done but despite the guys at the top seeming like hard nosed crooks, the already built and open properties being rented out weekly and the holiday brochures on shelves of travel agents countrywide gave everything OVP the look of a genuinely successful business bothnoutside and in.

10-25-2013, 08:47 AM
Yes I believe there were some genuine people working there. It was the leaders/directors that were conning people.
There time will come and with the documentary that is currently being worked on they will all be exposed.

10-28-2013, 05:53 PM
Very confused by the above post. Pls can you explain in clearer terms? Thanks

Public School Boy is going to be indicted soon, considering what his old Pals sang at the Madrid Courts.

10-31-2013, 12:36 PM
I just would love to know what happened. Be great to see some justice. I hope the non-appearers are made to answer questions.

11-08-2013, 01:43 PM
I have read many letters and still confused, get a hold of law bird, I do not know a thing.
I have lost my house as I took a loan on the house.
I am living in a coucil house , with my husband been diagnosed with Dementia brought on by this scam.
We havd no money in the bank and we lost approx 127.000 eros.
And I hear is all the money is gone and the accountants charge a fortune and we have nothing....

Angus Bull!
11-08-2013, 05:26 PM
POST 732, What documentary is being worked on .Do you have their details, phone number or do you have a phone number

Angus Bull

11-11-2013, 06:51 PM
They are such big men that when i sent some friends to see them, they responded by calling the police as they were being threatened. Well all I can say is leopards don't change there spots and I look forward to seeing AS one day soon and reliving him of the money he took from me, and I have followed your progress constantly. Until we meet again

Davy Dave
11-11-2013, 10:15 PM
Dear Lawbird

Phase 1 Apartments. Bank Cajasol/De Ahorros/El Monte should have allowed some 35 million euros for Bank Guarantees to cover peoples stage payments i.e. the Deposit plus full 7% I.V.A. for 258 Purchasers, not 2.5 million euros.

Phase 2 Linked Villas.Bank Sabadell should have allowed some 12 million euros for Bank
Guarantee for 70 Purchasers. Not 0 euros.

Phase 3 Villas. Bank ? should have allowed some 10 million euros for the Bank Guarantees for 29 Purchasers. Not 0 euros.

Phase 4 Luxury Apartments.Bank ? should have allowed some 29 million euros for the Bank Guarantees for 144 Purchasers .Not 0 euros.

TOTAL approx.86 Million euros

You have to ask yourselves,did these Banks secure themselves against the assetts of Manilva Costa and for approx. 86 million euros. Land may be the best assett so if the G.O.M. site cost 18 million euros (I think) then you are talking about M.C. HAVING BANKED 5 SITES THE SIZE OF G.O.M. Did these Banks make this provision or were they naive and didn't.CajaSol had to be taken over ,presumably they couldn't recover on their mortgages to M.C.

Anybody any ideas?

Angus Bull!
11-12-2013, 03:57 PM

Some of you have asked for theTRUTH.Hundreds of Purchasers have had their money stolen by OVP.The Contract they gave you via your Solicitor e.g Conveyancing UK is COMPLETELY BOGUS. OVP MADE UP THIS CONTRACT, NEVER TO BE SIGNED and all designed to “filch” your money.OVP MADE UP VARIOUS PRIVATE CONTRACTS AT LONGDON HALL!!!. Verify this by calling lawyers in Marbella.
e.g. C-INTERNATIONAL ABOGADOS T 0034 952 85 85 53
2.MANZANARES Guadalupe Estevez TT 0034 952 824 112
3.LAWBIRD T 0034 952 861 890

So on Phase 1 or Phase 2 whatever e.g. Phase 1, check ARTICLE 5. It seems to imply Manilva Costa keeps 50% and you get the other 50% back.RUBBISH!!!YOU GET NOTHING BACK!!! This clause fools you with its”mangled” text. Its called OBFUSCATION by lawyers.M.C. was only going to get HALF your Deposit at best.So M.C. only gets HIS HALF.Therefore when your property is being built ,if you invoke ARTICLE 5 there is only 0% in the Developers Bank CAJASOL/CAJA AHORROS to pay you back(before Completion).
ARTICLE 11,PHASE 1-Its been missed out-check it out.Why? It was probably the name of the Bank where your Deposit would be kept.HA!HA!HA! –BIG LEGAL OMISSION!!!
OVP “DOCTORED” 500 CONTRACTS AND 500 BANK GUARANTEES to protect the Developer,his Banks and themselves.They use A TRAINED COMPLETIONS LIAR o tell Purchasers “…only a handful of CONTRACTS HAVN’T BEEN SIGNED…”What! FIVE!!.As you all know ,up to 500 Purchasers were picked off ...ONE BY ONE BY ONE…
Only a qualified dual Spanish /English lawyer/solicitor in the UK would have spotted the abuse and “no intention to sign” of this Contract. If all is correct , a Spanish contract could be conveyanced in 2 weeks!!.So allow for 6 weeks-SORRY ALLOW FOR 8 YEARS!!-afer you have paid the other 70% in front of the NOTARY.HA1HA!HA! So,if MC were taken to Court, as they were in 2010 by Lawbird,they could say they were not party to 500 Contracts, did not know your name and it was all a bulk purchase to OVP.
This Contract ,in Spanish, of 9th MARCH 2004 is between Manilva Costa and yes,some of you Columbos have guessed it,”slippery “ SEAN WOODHALL. YES A SIGNED CONTRACT.HA!HA!HA! at prices up to 50 % lower. M.C. came to Longdon Hall April 2004,I believe , to discuss their half of the “STEAL” with OVP. Their Contract is to give OVP EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS to selling,marketing,estate agency,… AND AT WHATEVER PRICE THEY WANT!!!.
In Manilva Costa's Contract, are MODEL ANNEXES 5 and 7to the AGENCY CONTRACT which are then altered and “DOCTORED” on price,abusive clauses, Omissions ,when received by OVP…to be SIGNED BY YOU!!
So get your lawyer to request it from a spanish lawyer in Marbella or leave your tel.number.
500 Purchasers duped by OVPs Contract, no way can a”bog standard” UK Conveyancer tell it is unlawfull.There is no proof that OVP wired all the funds to the Developer. Talk to the lawyers I mentioned.The vast amount of our Deposit was held back-done on purpose so our “RIGHTS OF LITIGATION” ARE WITHELD.Money was held in theUK.Nobody else has charged 7% IVA upfront. The IVA was OVPs COMMISSION. YES CUK SHOULD NEVER HAVE ALLOWED PURCHASERS TO PAY THE ESTATE AGENT. Then the funds could have been wired to Spain.The CLIENT TO MANILVA COSTA REALLY WAS OVP AND NOT YOURSELVES. CONVEYANCING UK was THE CLIENT PROVIDER. OVP pays over stage payments for apartments IT IS BUYING ON YOUR BEHALF.!!!- i.e. THE AGENCY AGREEMENT –WHOT YOU DON’T SEE!!



12-06-2013, 04:10 PM

[Message Deleted]

Davy Dave
12-21-2013, 12:21 AM
Yes I believe there were some genuine people working there. It was the leaders/directors that were conning people.
There time will come and with the documentary that is currently being worked on they will all be exposed.

Have you got any details of who is making this film documentary so that Purchasers
can make a contribution.

01-20-2014, 12:27 PM
is anyone interested in what these guys, CT and MB are currently up to ?

01-20-2014, 12:55 PM
Er yes! (please)

01-21-2014, 12:06 PM
what`s the situation on here, can I name names, give addresses and phone numbers ?

01-26-2014, 12:43 PM
CT and MB have a new business

01-28-2014, 07:37 PM
What is the new business please?

01-28-2014, 07:39 PM
Very interested. They still owe me some money and several others!

Peter ODonnell
02-05-2014, 03:27 PM
I am part of the Mortgage Claims Bureau helping OVP investors get compensation through UK compensation schemes and litigation against brokers and broker networks.
We have only been able to do this now that a test case has been won in the High Court of appeal.
If anyone wants to know what we do, how we do it and what it costs (nothing) please reply to this blog.

02-05-2014, 11:21 PM
Would this be possible Peter if you were recommended OVP by a UK estate agents?

04-21-2014, 03:35 PM
I bought some property in this area some time ago.

Can someone please advise me what expertise the Mortgage Claims Bureau has in this field ?

I really so need some help.

06-17-2014, 11:10 AM
Hi. I believe the mortgage claims bureau work on a no win no fee basis. Might be worth giving them a call.

You may also wish to contact Antonio Flores at Lawbird in Spain. They are helpful and know all about our situation.
Antonio has a blog but there hasn't been much activity on their recently which is a shame. I find this helps keep people's fighting spirit up when they see regular updates.

Don't give up, I still believe someone will have to pay for the crime that has been committed. The criminal is either OVP, Ricardo Miranda or possibly both. The judge at the courts in Madrid just needs to decide!

Good luck.

07-01-2014, 11:53 PM
These people are charging huge fees for doing something that can be done by oneself. If the financial consultant has gone out of business you can contact the FSCS - Financial Services Compensation Scheme. It is free. The Emptage v. FSCS case has opened up the change of compensation. If the financial consultant is still active they can be approached for compensation and if no response you can go to the Financial Ombudsman. Read up on the Emptage case.