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View Full Version : what happens to money as well as property?

10-20-2009, 05:33 PM
Hi hope you can help. My father who is spanish and lived in spain died a year ago. he got re married to a spanish woman. The property he owned he placed in her name some time ago to ensure her future at her request. on his death there were 2 joint savings accounts with 40,000 euros in both a brand new BMW 4 X 4 and a caravan all with his name on it. My stepmother has only declared the 2 accounts as assets at the time of death but not the car or the caravan. we have found out that there is no registration for the caravan and that the car has been re registered in her sole name after my fathers name ( not sure if she forged the document but possible ). we have had no contact from her notario to resolve any inheritance and had to hire our own. can you tell me firstly how much of the money in the account are me and my brother entitled too, also what if anything can we do about the car. and finally do we have any form of claim against the notario for not adminestering the estate correctly? my father did leave a will that stated she could have everything unless any party did not agree in which case we could have our legal rights thanks