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View Full Version : belegal.com Forum Rules

11-22-2008, 06:36 PM
It was about time that we had forum rules. Please read them carefully before posting.

Forum Rules

Site Usage and Terms & Conditions

Be helpful and polite.

Messages posted at this site are the sole opinion and responsibility of the poster. You agree not to hold belegal.com, Professional Ideas SL or its members liable for anything stated within the forums.

Any information provided in this forum by any of its members will not be considered legal advice. You agree not to rely on this information without engaging your own lawyer. Neither belegal.com, Professional Ideas SL nor its members will be held liable for any damage caused by the inappropriate use of the information posted on this site.

Negative posts mentioning specific company names or individuals are not allowed. You may however ask about the legitimacy of a company. Statements made about these companies must be limited to facts, and never personal judgements.

Slanderous, defamatory, obscene, indecent, lewd, pornographic, violent, abusive, insulting, threatening and harassing comments are not tolerated. Should anyone use inappropriate language, start a personal attack, or engage in hate speech, they will be barred from all further discussions. This forum is not a venue for personal or private disputes or vendettas. Keep your personal business as just that - personal.

When a message is placed in belegal.com or its forums, you are granting an irrevocable license to the site to use it in perpetuity.
Promotonial Posts and Linking

No promotional activity or advertising of any kind is permitted in the forum. Nothing that is any way promotional may be placed in posts. You may however use your signature to link back to your site once you have made the minimum number of posts required.

Unregistered users are not allowed to post links.

Registered users must make a minimum of 5 posts before they can post links.

Links in signatures are allowed to registered users once they have made at least 5 posts.

Links back to low quality sites (e.g. online gambling, drug stores, etc) are not allowed.
The forum administrator reserves the right to edit or remove any posts which violate the forum rules. Users who continue to violate the forum rules will have their account removed and will be banned from the site.