View Full Version : Community Annual General Meeting

05-25-2016, 05:47 PM
I live on an Urbanisation which consists of both apartment blocks & villas . There are sub communities for each apartment block & also for groups of approx 6 villas . For the first few years everybody attended the AGM, but we are now told that only Presidents & Vice Presidents may attend. Having queried this with our administrators this is the reply that I received:

' Following consultation with the lawyer, we cannot do this. Since up until the organisation system decreed in the statuses and based on the communities grouping continues in force in the real estate complex, any agreement made on the attendance of all owners to the general meeting of grouping would breach the provision of both the statutes and Article 24.3 of the Horizontal Propert Act.
This means that if you want all owners to attend the Annual General Meetings you will need to dismantle the community as it stands and you will need to form a new community in which all owners form part of it as individuals and not as sub communities which is the case at present '

Please can anybody tell me if this is correct.