View Full Version : How to cancel temporary residency permit

04-18-2013, 09:58 PM
I had been living in Spain for the last 16 months (under Non Lucrative Residence permit), and owned 1 property in Spain.

I would like to cancel my residency in Spain (i.e. changing from residents to non-resident status)

Could I just leave Spain for more than 6 months, and my residency in Spain would be automatically cancelled? i.e. I just need to come back , say 8 months later to change the residency status and inform my bank to change to non-resident account.


Do I need to inform any government agencies now of this intention before I even leave the country?

What is the procedure to deregister the residency status?

04-24-2013, 12:51 PM
Hello Lowlow,

You do not need to formally notify the Immigration authorities of your intention to cancel residency. As it was an initial residence card, the usual procedure is just not to renew the card. If you are out of the country for more than six months or you fail to renew the card within the following 3 months after its expiry, this will be invalidated and residency cancelled.


04-25-2013, 11:50 PM
Thank you Patricia.

However, my card only expires in late 2014.
If I do not inform the immigration office, will they assume that I will be in Spain the whole of 2013 and the tax authorities still label me as a tax resident for 2013?
I am concern on the 2013 tax filing (payable in 2014)

04-29-2013, 12:51 PM
Hello Lowlow,

You can cancel your fiscal residency in Spain by filing the modification of your status by the Form 030 at the Tax Office. You can download the form here (http://www.agenciatributaria.es/static_files/AEAT/Contenidos_Comunes/La_Agencia_Tributaria/Modelos_y_formularios/Declaraciones/Modelos_01_al_99/mod030_es_es.pdf).
