View Full Version : Empadronamiento

03-17-2013, 07:42 PM

I just arrived in Barcelona this week. I'm from Brazil and got a job here.
The company got me a "High Skilled Work and Residence Visa".
So I have the NIE (from the visa resolution) and the SS number.

Now I need to buy a car because I will need to drive to the work. There is no public transportation to where I'm goind to work. I rented a car, but as soon as I can buy one, I will save a lot of money.
But the problem is that I'm living in a hotel, and the company is paying it for 40 more days. To buy a car, as far as I know, I need the residence card, and in order to get this, I need the empadronamiento.

Is it possible to use the Hotel or the company adress to get the empadronamiento and the residence card?
I need this also to get the NIE card, to the drivers license, and probably for a lot of other things...

If the answer is NO, I can't have the empadronamiento until I rent a place to live, would be possible to buy a car and delay the owner transfer for 1 month?

Thanks in advance.

03-19-2013, 04:04 PM
Hello Luis,

You certainly need an address not only for your residence card formalization, but also because the traffic authorities need to register your car at a Spanish address. You can check the list of requirements at the Traffiic General Office website; Direccc¡on General de Trafico (http://www.dgt.es/was6/portal/contenidos/documentos/oficina_virtual/vehiculos/matriculacion/matrordi.pdf).

The vendor must register the ownership transfer within 10 days after the sale, so the Car dealer will certainly allow a week or so for you to provide with the required documentation.
