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06-06-2012, 11:46 PM
Hello ,

i am a university student and have permanent residence permit in Spain (Larga Duracion)
I have got ERAMUS semester to Germany . My question is that

Do i have to apply for German student visa to go for ERASMUS studies period ( 4.5 months ) to Germany ??
Do i have some benefits in terms that i hold Tarjeta de residenia de large duracion ?

Thanks : )

06-07-2012, 12:44 PM

If you hold a Permiso de residencia de Larga Duracion, you can leave Spain for one year and not loose your residency status in Spain. There is no need for you to apply for a visa to enter Germany and spend there the time the Erasmus programme lasts, though the responsible office of the Ministry of Education in Spain will be able to claify that for you.

Best Regards,

06-09-2012, 04:51 PM

I have some how same situaation but with a little bit twist .

I have permanent residence permit in Spain because of my family ties. Basically my home is in Spain . but i am studying in France (in a French university ) and for that purpose, i ve also got French student visa from the French embassy in Spain .

Now i have got ERASMUS program to Germany , and i am not sure that do i need to apply for German student visa or not because ERASMUS studies are just for 1 semester (around 5 months) .

Another confusion is that my french visa is also about to expire , and if i have to apply for german student visa in France , i need to have a valid french visa . I am confused that
Do i first have to apply for French visa in Spain and then go to france and apply for german student visa there ?? !! OR
I can directly apply for German student visa in Spain because of the reason that i am permanent resident overhere ??.

OR ITS ok , if i directly go to Germany and then apply for Student residence card there? or i can go and study without applying for any visa in Germany??

The situation is so confusing ,i called embassy and they are also some how confused and i did not get any proper information .

I hope you understand the situatuion

Thanks : )

06-13-2012, 03:16 PM

In your case, I believe that the best thing to do is to first approach the Erasmus Board at your University and explain your case, as they will be able to let you know if you require a visa to study in Germany for a semester considering you are a Non EU citizen with legal residence in Spain. After that, you will need to confirm that information with the German Embassy in France.


06-14-2012, 02:23 PM
Thank You very much Patricia . You are very kind .

One general question is

As i am studying in France , would it any how effect my residence status in Spain . because basically so to say , my permanent home is in Spain . and i visit Spain after every month or two ,

Would it any how be a problem for me in future , in terms of my residence status and the point that i studied in France not in Spain , or as i have stayed in France on temporary bases ??

Regards : )


In your case, I believe that the best thing to do is to first approach the Erasmus Board at your University and explain your case, as they will be able to let you know if you require a visa to study in Germany for a semester considering you are a Non EU citizen with legal residence in Spain. After that, you will need to confirm that information with the German Embassy in France.


06-20-2012, 11:15 AM

As a permanent resident in Spain, you can spend up to 12 consecutive months out of Spain, in accordance with article 166 of the amended Immigration Law in April 2011: Real Decreto 557/2011, de 20 de abril. (http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2011/04/30/pdfs/BOE-A-2011-7703.pdf)

Therefore, I believe you will not have any problems as you visit Spain on a regular basis.


02-18-2013, 01:11 PM
Dear Friends!
Here is one Facebook page just for you, called HEI-ON (Higher Education Institutions Online for ECTS). The project goal is to develop an online tool, intended for the use of any HEI that wishes, which will simplify and facilitate the development and dispatch of ECTS Learning Agreements in an online environment. It will realize itself during the autumn, but until then you can reach all the information on our FB page. Moreover, I would be really happy if you are willing to participate making that project better by answering polls and liking the page or sharing my post on your wall.

I would also appreciate if you find 5 minutes to fill this survey
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGhHRTNnTmVmbzJnbGRlYWFROVRyTWc6M Q#gid=0

Big thanks in advance! :)

06-27-2013, 02:33 PM
Hi All Erasmus, anyone going to Poland? To Cracow or Warsaw?
