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View Full Version : Marriage Appoitment

04-09-2012, 05:27 PM
Hello Please help me find answers.

My question is : Can i get an appoitment to marry in spain even i'm not registred there or i have to be registred before demanding an appoitment ?

Thank you

04-10-2012, 12:56 PM

This will depend on the civil registry you go to but normally one of you will need to be 'empadronado' ( registerd) at the Town Hall.

04-10-2012, 03:02 PM
Thank you so much Marta for your reply.

I have another question :
I'm attending to move to spain to marry with a man who's in irregular situation 'overstayed visa'.

I saw many cases in the forum and also in other ones speaking about this situation and most of them are in barcelona or madrid.

I've searshed an appartement to stay and i found some offers in sevilla wich are suitable for the pricing.

does it matter if i go to sevilla or barcelona ?

my man will still get his resident if we live in sevilla ?

it will take much longer than if we move to barcelona ?

Thank you so much

04-10-2012, 06:10 PM
Hello again,

To be honest I cannot advice on how long it takes to obtain appointments in Barcelona or Seville. I have recently requested an appointment in Madrid for a EU citizen and it is three months before the client can attend the meeting. The appointment for her husband ( non EU citizen) was given for October 2012! In Marbella for example appointment for EU citizens are given by the police station on the same day you request them and that same day you obtain your residency. Whereas appointments to arrange residency for family of EU citizens are given in Malaga from one month to another.