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View Full Version : Residence Card UE

04-04-2012, 11:30 PM
The situation is very confusing . its like

My dad has been living in Spain for 8 years . Our residence cards are about to expire and we are going to apply for renewal .My dad had permanent card and now, the one for which we are going to apply is TARJETA DE RESIDENCIA DE LARGA DURACION UE , As far as i know, with the card UE , we can work in other member states of EU as well as in Spain on permanent basis .

Now , As the law says , That you can apply for spanish nationality after 10 years of legal residence in Spain . Now In case , if you have the Residence card like TARJETA DE RESIDENCIA DE LARGA DURACION UE , and you work in some other member states or in spain , Would you ll be able to apply for Spanish nationality after 10 years ???????

To be more exact ,
With the card TARJETA DE RESIDENCIA DE LARGA DURACION UE , after completion of 10 years , Would you qualify to apply for Spanish Nationality ?
Would the duration of residence, with the card UE , would be counted in total duration (10 years )?????

The situation is confusing .I hope you understand my question . Please guide me .


04-16-2012, 03:16 PM

You can apply for the Spanish nationality after 10 years of legal residency. Once the tarjeta de Residencia de larga duracion has been issued, you can, as you say, go and work in another EU member Estate, not losing your Spanish residency status, unless you apply for a residence permit in that EU country. However, if you decide to apply for the Spanish nationality you must take into consideration that you cannot have been out of the country for more than 12 months during those 5 years of permanent residency and that you will have to provide with proof of regular income in Spain.

You do not mention how long you have been in Spain, however, I believe that your father will be able to apply for Spanish nationality in 2 years time, and if he likes, he can be out of the country for 1 year.

If you wish to have more detailed information based in your particular case, you can email me on patricia at Lawbird.com.
