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View Full Version : Marriage of inconvinience

12-03-2011, 02:50 PM
Dear Sirs/Madams

I am a British citizen who got married in Spain to my Naigerian boyfriend whom I met online. He was sweet till the day of our marriage he started treating me bad. He has been so financial demanding and all I was doing is to help my partner till he gets his residency. Some signs started developing as I live in Britain and go there from time to time. Just few weeks after he got his residency he told me over the phone that, he does not want this relationship and i must move on. As were still on the conversation he called his supposedly nigerian girlfriend who also reside in spain married to a spanish citizen for inconvinience and was pouring his undesiriable love to her and told her she is done with me. After the call he told me not to ever call him and send the de familliar card to his previouse address as he has moved and I dnt know where he lives now. We married in August 2011 and he got his residency just few weeks. I have been contacted by his friend via email to tell me sorry that my marriage was fake. All that love thing was a pretence. I did not understand why will someone pretend for a year. His friend also told me he was bringing women in the house thus why at times he will bring up arguments and switch of the phone. They fell out with his friend as the friend asked why is he treating melike this and the friend moved out and decided to tell me. I trusted that I am getting married for life but all this to mewas a scam. The question how do I get my name out of his residency as he has falsely married me for his gain. and how do i go about the divorce in spain as there is a language barrier.

Pls help


01-10-2012, 05:25 PM
Good luck in this and in life

01-30-2012, 03:36 PM
Hello Lisa Anne,

My apologies for this late reply.

There are two possible options:

1. You can take legal actions to dissolve the marriage and revoke his residence permit. In this case, the events can be reported to the Immigration authorities so they start the court proceedings through the Public Prosecution Service officers that will finally determine the cancellation of the marriage as being celebrated by swindle to evade the immigration authorities. If you want to follow this route, you must be able to show that you have been the victim of a deception. The testimony of that friend of his that you mention could be of help as evidence. If the marriage is finally declared void, his residence permit would be immediately revoked and he will be deported and taken back to his home country. If you wish to proceed, you must be totally certain that you can prove you got married totally deceived and that it has all been a “scam". It is specially important that you make sure that your husband will not be able to prove that you were well aware of his real intentions of solely obtain residency in Spain.

2. However, if you just wish to get a divorce and not cause him any harm, I recommend you to look for legal assistance to start the court proceedings for the divorce. How this may affect his residency status, will be an issue he will have to solve separately. In any case, the fact that your name appears in his residence permit, will have no particular consequences on you, so there is no need to worry about that.

Best Regards,