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View Full Version : Embargo on Property

10-17-2011, 05:07 PM
We have discovered that a house up for sale has an embargo on 50% of the property against one of the owners, can the house be sold ?

It is our dream home - is there a way to buy it legally ?

What about the other owner ?

Thanks you


10-17-2011, 08:00 PM
Dear Annie, the house can be sold but the embargo, if it is for a certain amount of money, will be attached to the property which means that, to be able to succesfully conclude a transaction, the buyer will have to deduct the sum of the debt that the embargo guaranties. You are therefore able to buy it legally, with the proviso I indicate. With regards to the other owner, he will get the full sum corresponding to his share of the property.

If you need assistance do not hesitate to drop me an email.


10-17-2011, 11:15 PM
Thank you Antonio for your response, unfortunately I cannot email you as I have not made 5 posts.

We have been told that the property will be sent for auction, how is this possible if the person with the embargo only owns 50%



10-18-2011, 10:06 AM
Hello Wendy, my details can be found here: http://belegal.com/blog-by-antonio-flores/author/aflores/. The property indeed can be sent for auction, but only 50% will offered to public bidding which means that, only if the value is really low will someone find it interesting.