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View Full Version : Getting a Sapnish NIE been married overseas.

06-07-2011, 06:49 AM
Hello all.

Have a unsual situation and I am really lost on how get answers for that. I am Brazilian and got married to a British Citzen in USA, however now we are planning to move to Spain, and after looking over a lot of things on the internet we are still uncertain about what is the right procedure.

Because it says first that it needs to be a marriage certificate issued in a EU country, but in our case it was issued in USA and as UK accepts our certificate they wont issue a Birtish version of it, will they accept this over there? If we translate and all, another thing shall we translate here or there (having a proper spanish seal I guess would be the right option but I dont really know)

Another thing it sayt that it needs to be a certificate not older than 3 months, well how come I cant be like that, does that mean if we are married longer than 3 months we cant live together in Spain, it sounds a bit weird. Or it means that we need to get e current legalized copy before leaving USA??

As well I read something about registering the marriage in the Spanish consulate here in USA is that only for spanish citzens marriages or could we use this advantage of registering here in USA before going.?

I am sorry for all those questions is just that we are really affraid of moving over there and our documentation dont be accepted.

Thank you.. Wilber

06-11-2011, 12:04 PM
Dear Wilber,

Welcome to the belegal forum.

In order to be a legal resident in Spain your spouse will not have any issues; he/she will only need to apply for his residence certificate at the corresponding police station, however, you must apply for the residence card as a relative to an EU citizen. The process is somewhat complicated due to the complexity of the marriage legalizations, translations and request of certificates at various official bodies. Depending on the countries, the procedure will be simpler or more difficult. When there are various countries involved ( in this case, four: USA, UK, Brazil and Spain ), the process becomes more complicated and the legal aid of a solicitor is required so you do not get lost in the procedure and different certificates to obtain and how they must be translated and legalized.

The marriage certificate serves to prove that you are legally married, and it has to be issued by the corresponding authorities in the country where you got married, therefore, an American marriage certificate is absolutely valid. However, the authorities must issue an updated certificate, that is, a certificate that indicates you are still married and that is not older than 3 months at the time you apply for your residency. As per the translations, no matter where they are done, they must always be accordingly legalized.

Please feel free to contact Lawbird Immigration department through our contact form and we will provide with a quotation for the service, which includes, not only the assistance in the different steps to take, but a complete assembling of the application ready to be submitted at the Immigration office.
