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View Full Version : Citizenship of Child born in sevilla Spain

05-27-2011, 12:32 PM

I am from pakistan and living in Denmark from 5 years. I have a residence permit (Green Card) of Denmark. My wife is pregnant and expected in august 2011. I am going to live in sevilla with my cousin because his wife can take care of my wife. I have some questions:confused:.

Can my child get passport or residency in Spain?

How can I travel back to Denmark because my expected child will not have travel documents like passport and Visa?

Thanks in advance:)

05-27-2011, 07:43 PM
Hi Nadeem,

Your child will only be able to obtain residency in Spain, if you obtain it first. You should try changing your Danish work and residence permit to a Spanish one, but for this purpose you are going to need to have a job in Spain. With regards to citizenship, a child born in Spain will acquire the citizenship of his /her parents. Only a child which has no nationality is granted Spanish citizenship.

05-28-2011, 10:18 AM
Thanks Marta for fast reply,

Is it possible to get citizenship of my expected child that I ll refuse the citizenship of my origin (Pakistan) for child? I ll do that by writing application to Spanish citizenship authority that my child will stay in Spain and never use the parents citizenship.

Good to hear from you.
