View Full Version : Voting rights -community of owners

03-22-2011, 12:58 AM
HI - with a block of apartments in Spain - is it one owner, one vote? or if you have 3 apartments, do you get 3 votes, 5 apartments, 5 votes, etc?

03-24-2011, 05:07 PM
Dear Sir,

Yes, according to Article 3 of Chapter II of the Law on Horizontal Property, each owner has the capacity to vote for each of the property he/she owns.

"A cada piso o local se atribuirá una cuota de participación con relación al total del valor del inmueble y referida a centésimas del mismo. Dicha cuota servirá de módulo para determinar la participación en las cargas y beneficios por razón de la comunidad. Las mejoras o menoscabos de cada piso o local no alterarán la cuota atribuida, que sólo podrá variarse por acuerdo unánime."

A participation fee ( cuota ) referred in hundredths will be assigned to each apartment or unit related to the total value of the dwelling. Such fee will act as model to determine the participation on the charges and benefits in favour of the community. The improvements or deterioration of each apartment or unit will not vary the assigned fee, which will only be modified by unanimous agreement.

Best Regards,

02-25-2014, 04:29 PM
Does this apply to first and second call

Dear Sir,

Yes, according to Article 3 of Chapter II of the Law on Horizontal Property, each owner has the capacity to vote for each of the property he/she owns.

"A cada piso o local se atribuirá una cuota de participación con relación al total del valor del inmueble y referida a centésimas del mismo. Dicha cuota servirá de módulo para determinar la participación en las cargas y beneficios por razón de la comunidad. Las mejoras o menoscabos de cada piso o local no alterarán la cuota atribuida, que sólo podrá variarse por acuerdo unánime."

A participation fee ( cuota ) referred in hundredths will be assigned to each apartment or unit related to the total value of the dwelling. Such fee will act as model to determine the participation on the charges and benefits in favour of the community. The improvements or deterioration of each apartment or unit will not vary the assigned fee, which will only be modified by unanimous agreement.

Best Regards,