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View Full Version : Spanish Nationality - are there exceptions to 10 year continuous residency condition?

02-17-2020, 02:48 PM
Hello, I am British with permanent residency here in Spain and have not spent more than 2 continuous years outside Spain even when I was studying in the USA. However, while I believe this doesn´t effect my permanent residency status, I am concerned that several absences from Spain, some of over 6 months during the past 3 years could make me inelligible for citizenship (which I would ordinarily be able to apply for in September of this year after being resident 10 years.) Are there any circumstances, such as in the case of study abroad (which I can prove) that would make me still elligible? I have retained a contract on a flat in Madrid the whole time I was away, remained empadrinado, and returned to Spain after my studies. The movements are clearly seen on my passport which is required to apply for nationality so it is not like being in a EU country where it might not be so obvious. Also, being a student, I do not have much I have contrubuted in the way of taxes or social security the past 3 1/2 years. Therefore in a nutshell:
1) Am I right in believing I am still legally permanent resident in Spain?
2) Could I still get nationality?
3) Will lack of proof of social security payments and taxes in recent years be a problem?

02-19-2020, 01:05 PM
Hello Carla,

Your permanent residence card is totally valid and it seems you do meet the requirements to apply for the Spanish nationality after 10 years´s residency in Spain, in September. Absences due to educational matters are not considered in a negative way when considering your degree of integration in Spain.

Regarding your last question, be informed that those facts are complementary and not compulsory when proving your integration and actual residency in Spain. There are different ways to prove the 10 years effective residency other than the registration at the Social Security system and tax declarations.
