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View Full Version : law of Historical Memoria

02-20-2011, 08:09 PM
I was granted my spanish citizenship last year and was given a spanish passport by virtue of this historical memoria law.
Can my unmarried children who are above 21 years old be granted citizenship as well? Are they eligible ?

02-22-2011, 07:19 PM
In order to obtain the answer to your question you must check whether the citizenship you have acquired is 'de origen'. If it is it will give your children certain benefits such as obtaining their citizenship through you. It should be de origen but check your certificate.

03-21-2011, 12:58 AM
In order to obtain the answer to your question you must check whether the citizenship you have acquired is 'de origen'. If it is it will give your children certain benefits such as obtaining their citizenship through you. It should be de origen but check your certificate.

I have the same problem. I am 21 years old and my father and grandmother recently regained Spanish citizenship. My younger brother who was 17 at the same was given Spanish citizenship, I was 19 and the embassy in Mexico refused to include me on the application form.

Is it possible for me to apply without needing to meet the residency requirements?

04-02-2011, 12:25 PM
Hi Jebby,

With the info we have it is difficult to give you an answer. I don't know the reasons the consulate would have given you in order to not include you in the application. If your grandmother, father and your younger brother gained Spanish citizenship, I don't see why you shouldn't. I recommend that you speak to them once again and insist on the matter. If you are still unsuccessful then please come back to us and we will have a look at it.