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View Full Version : Discloser on Websites

11-15-2010, 02:12 PM
Dear Legal Eagles

I would like to introduce you to a new project I am doing. This is specifically interesting to follow for real estate agents.

Its the

Marbella Property (http://www.marbellascout.net)

The Marbella Scout is a property website, which markets high value property in Marbella to foreigners. The interesting part is, that I will actually disclose on the site in public how I optimise the site to achive top rankings in search engines.

The idea behind that is, to attract people linking to the site because they find the information usefull for themselves and to position myself in front of my audience as a true expert in the field of SEO (search engine optimization).

Yes, I know: This is a bit like a restaurant making their recipies public for people to cook them at home instead of going to the restaurant. But I think that is a bit short sighted.

First of all, those who have the time to do SEO based on my "guide" or "tutorial" usually do not have the money to pay my fees anyway. Secondly If those that appreciate the information link to me, those with the cash but no time will find me easier.

That's the idea anyway.

I will announce the new articles on the site here in this thread. Comments and questions on the projects site are greatly appreciated.

Also as this is a legal forum, i would like to take the opportunity to ask about one thing:

1. What type of discluser is mandatory on property websites in Spain?
2. If the operating entity is a foreign compnay do Spanish disclosure regulations apply if property in Spain is offered.
3. Does th site comply with current legislation if not why not?


Answers would be greatly apreciated.

11-15-2010, 02:48 PM
Hello Wolfgang and welcome to our forums.

Please note that, as per our forum rules, commercial posts are not allowed.
Also, please keep the content of your posts as closely related to law in Spain as possibe.

Regarding your questions about your site's compliance with Spanish law, I'm afraid our panel lawyers are unable to conduct a full analysis of your site's content. if you can read Spanish, I sugguest that you take a look at the LSSI Law. (http://www.mityc.es/dgdsi/lssi/Paginas/Index.aspx).


11-15-2010, 04:06 PM
Regarding your questions about your site's compliance with Spanish law, I'm afraid our panel lawyers are unable to conduct a full analysis of your site's content. if you can read Spanish, I sugguest that you take a look at the LSSI Law. (http://www.mityc.es/dgdsi/lssi/Paginas/Index.aspx).


That was a good one. Its quite a list on that PDF.

Now, the question also is: Is this law actually applicable to a compnay that resides outside of spain , but offers spanish property on the site?
