View Full Version : Spanish Residencia Larga Duracion

11-12-2017, 11:39 PM
Hi i have got spanish residence LARGA DURACION and have extended twice . I am not working and only come to spain to renew my residency and now i want to travel to ireland to live and work what is the process and do i need a visa to visit Ireland from spain and how can i change my residence here from spanish to irsh any help would be much appreciated will look forward to your reply as i habe heard alot good things about your support for others !!


11-16-2017, 03:48 PM
Hello Uzi

I understand you need to check the Immigration rules in Ireland to learn about the way forward to apply for a residence permit there, being a long term resident in another EU country ( please note the Directive on the status of non-EU nationals who are long-term residents (http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:02003L0109-20110520&qid=1472219910415&from=EN) does not apply in the UK, Ireland and Denmark ) .

You can click here (http://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/moving_country/moving_to_ireland/rights_of_residence_in_ireland/residence_rights_of_non_eea_nationals_in_ireland.h tml) to check the procedure to apply for a work and residence permit in Ireland.

Regarding your Spanish residence card, it will be cancelled after 12 consecutive months out of Spain.
