View Full Version : Residency

03-21-2019, 06:48 PM
I got married and came to Spain and I have a residency for 3 years which is dependent on my husband , things didn't work out so we got separated. I went back to my country and for 3-4 months and where I lost my passport. I did apply for new and came back to Spain. my residency has been expired since me and my ex-husband had known good terms so there was no help from his side in my card renovation and I had to apply through arraigo again.. my arraigo passed and it says that I was in Spain for 3 years and more now I've submitted my papers in delegation and while I was interviewed in delegation they asked me for my old passport which I lost when I was in India I had no records of stamp and visa but I have submitted my historica and empadronamiento along with arraigo and work contract with all other supporting document. I just wanted you to know that what if they don't consider that I was in Spain for three years because I had lost my passport ? And I had applied arrigo on my Nie which was for 3 years.. will they consider my three years from the entry of my new passport or from the entry of my old passport which I lost?